Scottsdale Historian Lights Up Crescent Moon Ranch Owner

February 4, 2020

Correction: “Tales of Scottsdale’s Crescent Moon Ranch,” Published January, 2020

To: Les Conklin, Editor A Peek at the Peak (The Peak)

From: Bruce Wall, City of Scottsdale

I read your article on the Crescent Moon Ranch ( and enjoyed it.  I did want to point out one thing.

I’ve did some research for a presentation I did last fall called “Scottsdale Stories Rediscovered.” I saw several articles and books that refer to Lois Kellogg Duncan.  as inheriting her fortune from the breakfast cereal Kellogg family of Battle Creek, Michigan.  I don’t think that’s correct.  It would be better to say she was a distant relative of the breakfast cereal Kellogg family.  She inherited her money from a different fortune.  Here’s what I found.

Lois Kellogg Duncan was from Buffalo, New York. She was the daughter of Spencer Kellogg Jr, a third generation linseed oil tycoon.  Spencer Kellogg Jr was the decedent of Supplina Kellogg, a cousin of John Preston Kellogg. John Preston Kellog was the father of W. K. Kellogg. the founder of Kellogg Cereal in Battle Creek.  That was the generation that split off into two branches of the family.

The Kellogg family started in Hadley, Massachusetts around 1640.  Supplina left Hadley around 1824 and moved to Buffalo and got into the linseed oil business.  John Preston left Hadley in 1834, travelled to Buffalo and then to Michigan where he became a farmer.

If you search for Spencer Kellogg of Buffalo online, you’ll see photos like the one below.


Lois’s uncle Donald Kellogg (brother of Spencer Jr) purchased land in the 1940’s that today is called Casa Blanca estates just north of the Phoenician.  He eventually moved to California.

There was also a Lois Kellogg of Palm Springs, California and that’s another wealthy branch of the family that made their money in retail clothing and came from Chicago.  Although these branches are all related, their wealth came from different sources.

I wanted to bring this to your attention.  I’d be happy to show you the research I’ve found if you’re skeptical.


Bruce Wall | Citizen AdvisoCitizen Service | City of Scottsdale
7506 E Indian School Rd | Scottsdale | Arizona | 85251
Direct: 480-312-7898 |

Note from Editor.

The Peak thanks Bruce Wall for his research and interesting information. We will update the article in the near future.  Because of Bruce’s revelation, perhaps the Four Season Resort should consider adding a linseed oil backrub to its spa offerings. Just a thought.

If you are interested in learning morning about this topic, here are links to two related articles that we published online last month.

“Tales of Scottsdale’s Crescent Moon Ranch” Article

“Four Seasons Resort Scottsdale Celebrates 20!” Article

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Author: The Peak

The Peak was originally printed and distributed in 1983 by the Greater Pinnacle Peak Association (GPPA) as a six-page neighborhood newsletter for the hundred or so residents who lived in the Pinnacle Peak area of Scottsdale, Arizona. Today, GPPA publishes an expanded online version for tens of thousands of readers as a free community service serving Scottsdale and neighborhing communities.

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