Don’t Knock It Until You Nuke It

Don’t Knock It Until You Nuke It

Marilyn Schletzer When you cook, you probably spend almost as much time cleaning up, so here are a couple of dandy cleaning tips I just learned that you may have known for years, and if you have, why didn’t you tell me? 1)  Fill a cereal-sized bowl with half water and half white vinegar and microwave it on high for 10 minutes.  The vinegary steam created will make it so easy to clean your microwave that you can simply wipe it...

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Just Say No to Processing!

Just Say No to Processing!

By Marilyn Schletzer I ran into my friend, Tallulah de Groot, the other day at the grocery store (okay, that’s not her real name, but sometimes names are changed to protect innocent bystanders), and she was looking fit and fabulous.  When she noticed me eyeing her basket, which was filled to overflowing with nothing but fresh fruits and vegetables (where the heck are the goodies, I wondered quietly to myself!), she began...

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Never Say Never

Never Say Never

By Marilyn Schletzer   Straight from an organization known as THE DAILY MEAL is a new list of the 20 foods you should NEVER, EVER, NOT FOR ALL THE TEA IN CHINA eat. Here it comes, and brace yourself.   1. Sausage 2. Bacon 3. Frozen dinners 4. Burgers 5. Potato chips 6. Diet foods 7. Margarine 8. Artificial sweeteners 9. Popcorn 10. Bagels 11. Deli meats 12. Toaster pastries 13. Pizza 14. Cheese 15. Biscuits and gravy 16. Ice...

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Body Buddies

Body Buddies

By Marilyn Schletzer Do you want to age imperceptibly, have younger looking skin, enjoy endless energy, and live to be 200?  Okay, maybe not the 200 part, but if you aspire to any of the other goals, these foods could help you along the way. 1. Blueberries might help long- and short-term memory. 2. The skin of red grapes contains resveratrol, an anti-inflammatory that may help protect against UV radiation and, ultimately, skin cancer....

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No More New Year’s Resolutions

No More New Year’s Resolutions

No More New Year’s Resolutions! By Marilyn Schletzer When 2014 gets here, I’m not making a New Year’s resolution.  Not a single one.  Why?  Because my annual resolution typically looks something like this:  I’m going to work out for two hours every single day, even if I’m near death, I’m going to drink nothing but water and eat more protein, more fish, more vegetables, more fruit, more fiber, less fat, less sugar, and not so...

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