Walking in Beauty

By Glenn B. Jenks

I am told that there is an old Navajo Blessing, “May You Walk In Beauty.”  Those words have guided my vision for my photography. By sharing my photos here it is my hope to share with you some of that beauty that I have found in nature and in the people I have met along the way.  Look for the beauty in the natural wonders and in the people around you and you will find yourself “Walking in Beauty.”

Photographing birds has been a great adventure and a beautiful experience.  One of the most magnificent places to see and to photograph birds is at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Reserve in New Mexico.  Every winter tens of thousands of Sandhill Cranes and Snow Geese migrate from the north and find refuge for the winter. The surroundings are as magnificent at the sight of so many beautiful birds.  Every morning at sunrise the birds take off in groups of tens and hundreds from the safety of the ponds where they have slept the night before.  Then at sunset they return to the ponds from their daylong search for food.  Sunrises and sunsets at “Bosque” in winter are some of the most beautiful moments one can ever experience.


Thousands of Snow Geese leave the safety of their night roost on the ponds of Bosque and take to the sky in search of food for the day.

Thousands of Snow Geese leave the safety of their night roost on the ponds of Bosque and take to the sky in search of food for the day.


This gorgeous sunrise begins to arouse some Sandhill Cranes from a night’s sleep and soon they will take off together and forage in the nearby corn fields.

This gorgeous sunrise begins to arouse some Sandhill Cranes from a night’s sleep and soon they will take off together and forage in the nearby corn fields.


At first light the Sandhill Cranes begin to stir and move through the waters of Bosque.

At first light the Sandhill Cranes begin to stir and move through the waters of Bosque.


It is sunrise at Bosque and it is time for this flight of Sandhill Cranes, to leave the thin layer of ice on the pond where they have spent the night.

It is sunrise at Bosque and it is time for this flight of Sandhill Cranes, to leave the thin layer of ice on the pond where they have spent the night.

Related Websites

Glenn B. Jenks Photographs, www.glennbjenksphoto.com Visit Website

Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge Visit Website

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Author: Glenn B. Jenks

Glenn B. Jenks is a retired Episcopal Priest and a former lawyer. Glenn writes that with retirement he "now has the opportunity to pursue his life-time passion as a professional photographer." In addition to taking photographs, he also, upon request, teaches photography to individuals and groups. Jenks is a resident of North Phoenix, Readers can view more samples of his fine art and portrait photographs at www.glennbjenksphoto.com and contact him at glenn@glennbjenksphotography.com or 602-301-2702.

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