Courtesy of the Road Scholars
By Les Conklin and Claude Trottier
Did you know that you can publish a VIP Feature Article in A Peek at the Peak (The Peak) for a month for just $50? The article can be about friends, family, an organization, recognition, a trip, etc. It helps support The Peak’s nonprofit mission and it’s a great way to have fun or recognize someone or something you care about. To set an example, this article is being sponsored by the Road Scholars, a group of OLD friends (see poem at bottom of article).
The Road Scholars, a.k.a. The Biking Sigs, are fellow alumni of the University of Rhode Island (URI) and, like me, Les Conklin, belonged to the Sigma Chi fraternity. The Biking Sigs do what their name suggests, they come together for bicycle rides. The trips always end at a restaurant, where they are joined by other Sig alums for lunch and fellowship. This larger group is aptly called the Road Scholars. Attendance at the lunch ranges from four to fifty. One of my most enjoyable experiences during summer visits is to attend the lunch and re-connect with the Road Scholars.
The good news is that several of the Road Scholars read The Peak magazine and are aware of the litter pickup efforts conducted by Friends of the Scenic Drive. This awareness and an exchange of emails led to the creation of The Peak Award. The first recipients were two Sigs, who had led a successful fund raising effort to build a new Sigma Chi house on the URI campus. The actual award was a safety vest similar to those that are worn by construction workers and Friends volunteers when they pick up litter.
In July 2016, the Biking Sigs rode their bicycles for more than 16 miles in less than two hours. Then the Road Scholars convened at Vesuvio’s Restaurant in Cranston, Rhode Island. As dessert was being served, Claude Trottier ’60, who helps organize the Road Scholar luncheons, made the following announcement.
“Today, in an important day, when we proudly present The Peak Award for the second time.
“The Peak Award is given by Leslie B. Conklin, Sigma Chi Consul ’60, Hall of Famer – City of Scottsdale, Arizona, and editor and publisher of The Peak magazine. As you know, articles published in The Peak have been covered by local publications, including the Narragansett Times and the URI’s Quadrangle Magazine.
“The Peak Award is hereby given to Dr. Julien P. “Butch” Ayotte. This award is given not for obtaining a “Piled High and Deep” degree, not for his baseball achievements; he has recently been inducted into the Mount Saint Charles Athletic Hall of Fame; not for publishing three best-selling, award-winning novels after retiring from business: “Dangerous Blood Lines,” “Flower of Heaven,” and “A Life Before,” but for his fortitude and courage, in making one of his novels about his brother AND portraying him as a Red Sox fan, rather than the die-hard Yankee fan that he is. Seriously, Brother Ayotte’s books have received the: Indie Book of the Day Award, 2013 New York Book Festival Award, 2014 New England Book Festival Award, and the 2014 Eric Hoffer Book Award.
“Brother Conklin and all the Road Scholars hope that this safety vest protects you from those aggressive fans who want you to sign their copy of one of the your books.”
A Poem About Old Friends
Unfortunately, I, Brother Conklin, could not attend the Road Scholar luncheon. Instead, I sent the poem below and suggested that it be read. The poem is from a scrapbook that my father had created in 1929, just before he graduated from R.I. State College, the predecessor of the University of Rhode Island.
The first section to be completed by the student is entitled “Book of Friends,” pages where the prospective graduate can have his/her friends write comments about their college experience. This section of the book is introduced by the poem below that provides words of wisdom for the prospective graduate before he/she begins listing friends and seeking comments.
A Book of Friends: May it include the wise, the witty and the shrewd, And such as own the double art that makes them friends of head and heart.
May those who stand recorded here grow dearer with each added year;
Acquaintances into friendship grow and friendship ever brighter grow.
Old friends are best we lightly say – but as they fall upon the way,
Keep full the ranks with newer friends, till time the adjective amends.
And if old friends still seem the best, the adage should be thus expressed;
Friends are not best because they’re old, but old because the years have rolled –
The years that try, and mar and mend, have proved the worth of the title friend.
Editorial note. I am happy to report that Butch Ayotte appreciates The Peak Award. The poem, which was read at the very end of the luncheon, brought tears to the eyes of OLD friends, I imagine.
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August 18, 2016
It was quite an honor from my fellow Sigs to be given the Peak Award. In my upcoming book signings this summer and fall, I plan to wear my safety vest to ward off all those faithful readers looking for a signed copy. Les, between you and Claude Trottier, the spirit of Sigma Chi will live on. The list grows..there are over 50 Biking Sigs and Road Scholars. Thanks for sharing my success story in the Peak Magazine.
In hoc,
Julien “Butch” Ayotte ’63