Vanishing Breed by Stephanie Bradley

Cover, A Peek at The Peak, Feb. 2006 Issue, Design and Photo by Tony Nelssen

Cover, A Peek at The Peak, Feb. 2006 Issue, Design and Photo by Tony Nelssen

 This poem by Stephanie Bradley was selected by judges as the winner of the  2016 Summer Fun Write Stuff  Contest, What’s Worth Preserving Category.

 Elegant in movements, with swift and easy gaits,
robust roans and muscular bays ”
         with tails out straight.

 Mares’ manes fly free,
combed by the wind
while foals cavort
in unbridled, equine whim.

 What magic to witness such strength and purity
Of horses plunging down slopes with grace and surety. 

Small herds gather in a sandy wash;
                   while more graze on a nearby hill.
Who knew how swiftly their way of life would be violated, then stilled?

 Is such a vision wistful recollection of cowboy days of yore?
No, just a few years ago,
       seeing them
                 was our daily thrill…
                               but sadly is no more.

 Pipe fences and locked gates closed off the mighty McDowells,
While pavement shocked tender hooves, turning whinnies into howls.

 Soon discovery plazas and tourist pizzazz will tarnish the splendid view
as if visitors need guidance or gift shops to appreciate nature’s value.

 Can we rein in a city whose unrelenting greed,
Is to harness dollars instead of  keeping what we  need?
Open lands, fresh skies, those are our greatest treasure;
not just for ourselves but for everyone’s pleasure.

 Will we be doomed to rely on melancholy memory
 or take a stand to hold fast to our land and legacy?


 Stephanie Bradley is a resident of Cave and a frequent contributor to The Peak. She is a past winner of The Peak’s Write Stuff Contest.


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Vanishing Breed by Stephanie Bradley – Published December Update 2016 issue of The Peak

Contest Information

Annual Summer Fun Photo & Write Stuff Contests End Friday, Oct. 21st  – Published October 2016 issue of The Peak


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Author: Les Conklin

Les Conklin is a resident of north Scottsdale He founded Friends of the Scenic Drive, the Monte de Paz HOA and is the president of the Greater Pinnacle Peak Association. He was named to Scottsdale's History Maker Hall of Fame in 2014. Les is a past editor of A Peek at the Peak and the author of Images of America: Pinnacle Peak. He served on the Scottsdale's Pride Commission, McDowell Sonoran Preserve Commission, the boards of several local nonprofits and was a founding organizer of the city's Adopt-A-Road Program.. Les is a volunteer guide at the Musical Instrument Museum.

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