“Unsung Heroes” by Edie Shannon, Write Stuff Winner

Winner, My Hero Category
2017 Summer Fun Write Stuff Contest

Unsung Heroes

By Edie Shannon

August 27, 2017


Scottsdale is a wonderful place to visit and live.

It has places to go, things to do.

Great restaurants, art galleries, theater, mountains to climb, world class resorts.

But Scottsdale is a lot more than Fashion Square, although that is a lovely place to shop.

It is more than the art galleries, restaurants, theaters and bars.

It is more than the spectacular outdoor activities we enjoy; hiking, biking, riding, tennis, swimming, golf.

What makes Scottsdale is the people.

The neighbor who drives for Caring Corps, taking the homebound, elderly or disabled to health care appointments.

It is the teacher who sings in the church choir.

The dentist who volunteers time and treatment to the homeless.

The young mother who gives up a day to work with rescued animals.

The retired postman who dons gloves and a vest to pick up trash on Scottsdale road.

This is what makes us who we are.

We care. And we act.

I hate to shop. That includes shopping for groceries. So I always shop for groceries early, standing at the door of the store just before it opens, at 6 AM.

I trudge thru the store with my very detailed shopping list, checking off items as I put them in my cart. Heaven forbid I should have to return for a forgotten onion.

And when each thing on my list has been crossed out, I get to checkout.

And in front of the one checker, here so early, is a man with two carts, each piled high.

I do a mental eye roll. Groan, this is going to take forever.

He gives me an apologetic smile, and watches as the food is scanned.

All non-perishables, I note. One cart piled with baby diapers, the others with canned food.

He pays and leaves.

I unload my hoard and look questioningly at the checker.

“Him? Oh, he is here every week. He buys to donate to the food bank. I don’t know his name.”

I don’t know his name either. It hasn’t been on the front page of the paper, the evening news, or your twitter feed.

Just another guy, doing what he considers the right thing. No noise, no glory, just doing it.

You have to ask your neighbors what volunteer groups they are in. Because, most of them are not going to offer that information, unless you do ask.

And you may be surprised that almost every one of them spends time as an unpaid worker on behalf of someone else.

Or maybe you won’t be surprised, because you too volunteer.

And like those mentioned above are among the unsung heroes.


Editorial Note. The author of the above article is one of the heroes who serve as Friends of the Scenic Drive volunteers.


Judy Haft, Edie Shannon.

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Author: Edie Shannon

Edie Shannon is a long-time north Scottsdale resident, former president of The Friends of the Scenic Drive, and a frequent contributor to The Peak.

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