October 16, 2017
Courtesy of Cave Creek Unified School District
Cactus Shadows High School would like to thank Taylor Lewan of the Tennessee Titans. Taylor made it to the pro-bowl last year and his team won! As part of winning, Taylor was allowed to give a $10,000 grant, from the NFL Foundation, to a school of his choice. He chose Cactus Shadows High School because he feels that this is his hometown school and he considers Cave Creek his home.
“Part of the joy of having a ‘Small town one high school feel’ to Cactus Shadows High School is the sense of pride and community that exists here. When students bond with their school, their desire to come back and give back drastically increases. We are so happy that Taylor felt that bond while he was here as student/athlete and we are grateful that he chose Cactus Shadows to be the recipient of his gratitude.” said Dr. Steve Bebee, Principal of Cactus Shadows High School.
CSHS plans to use this grant toward new banners for the stadium, an industrial washer and dryer, and other miscellaneous equipment.
Mr. Jim Swetter, CSHS Assistant Principal of Operations and Athletics said, “I was aware of Taylor Lewan and read about him in Griffin Dales’ SportsBeat magazine, so when Taylor called and said he would be in town and like to talk about a donation I was excited. During our meeting Taylor was an absolute gentleman and really enjoyed the changes to our campus. He said he was going to donate the $10,000 to us because Cave Creek is home. We are very grateful for his generosity and his desire to help Cactus Shadows.”
Taylor attended Cactus Shadows High School from 2004 to 2007 playing football. Mrs. Cameron Bender, CSHS Geometry teacher and Student Council Advisor has fond memories of Taylor – she wrote, “I remember Taylor to be a hardworking and respectful student. I also remember that as a high school freshman, he was already enormous! One day, while standing in line at Sky Harbor airport, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see the even more enormous Taylor, who was then playing college ball. He said, “Hi, Mrs. Bender. Do you remember me, I’m Taylor Lewan, and you were my math teacher in high school!” I remembered him well. It’s been really fun watching his football career evolve.”
Thank you Taylor, your hometown high school students, families and friends are rooting for you!
Julia Scotto
Executive Assistant to
Dr. Debbi Burdick, Superintendent & Governing Board
Cave Creek Unified School District
480.575.2016 Phone/480.575.2092 Fax
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