Time Will Tell by Rick Smith

Is time perfection?

Is there something about time that, by its mere existence, makes it the validation of God?

After all, time was here long before any of us came along. And, it’ll still be marching-on

long after we’re gone.

Perhaps time is a wave, ridden by humanity, one generation after another. But, are the dearly departed truly off the wave? Or, just in another realm of the wave of time?

We’re all fascinated by time and wary of it. But, have you ever had a moment when time seemed to talk – to send a message – to you? I have.

It was early in the morning- a day after I’d written my sister Lynda’s obituary. The night before, her five children had all approved and enjoyed the life story I’d written about their Mom. Before going to bed, I looked skyward into the night sky and softly said to my sister, “I hope you like it, too, Lynda.”

But, now, I needed some coffee. I’d pre-made the coffee the night before so all I needed to do was get downstairs and turn it on.

As I rounded the corner into the kitchen my eyes fixated on the digital clock on the stove. What I saw made my heart skip a beat. I stared at the time – 4:14 – but saw a date instead. April 14 – Lynda’s birthday. A lump went into my throat and tears welled-up in my eyes as I felt Lynda’s presence telling me she approved of my story.

I wondered what the odds were of me walking into the kitchen at just that precise moment. I’d had no idea of what time it was when I arose.
So, now, from time to time I catch the clock in that same 4:14 position and I always think of Lynda and that early morning message I felt that day.
But, then, unexpectedly, something even stranger happened. And, what are the odds on this one?

It was another early morning coffee routine. This time I looked at the clock on the nightstand next to the bed – 4:13. “Oh, almost Lynda’s time,” I said to myself. My glance at the clock and my thought lasted about one-half second.

But in that one-half second, the 3 changed to a 4 and I felt like I’d been winked at. Wink. Now the time was 4:14. Wink. Just like that. “Oh, my God,” I thought, “that’s too much.” I looked back at the clock. 4:14. I smiled.

So, what’s my final thought on all this? Some would say I have a pretty vivid imagination.

I’d say I know perfect timing when I see it.


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Author: Rick Smith

Rick Smith is a resident of Cave Creek and a not-frequent-enough contributor to The Peak. Rick is a published author and former editor. His book, REMF, describes his behind-the-line experiences in Viet Nam. Rick was awarded 1st place in The Peak’s 2004 Write Stuff Contest.

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1 Comment

  1. Beautiful story. I do believe God speaks to us in some very cool ways.
    God is with us

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