Get Published, Prizes, and Recognition
It’s time to turn up the fun, spur creativity, and accelerate generosity. Again this year, our summerâs fun is delivered in the form of the our Write Stuff contest. The contest is easy to enter, and there is no entry fee. The deadline for entering is Sunday, August 23, 2015. Again this year, there are more chances to win, and prizes are being awarded based on categories. Judges will select one winner for each category and a grand prize for the best overall contest entry. Don’t delay, enter today.
Write Stuff Categories
The categories for the Summer Fun Write Stuff Contest are:
WHATâS WORTH PRESERVING ARTICLE, EDITORIAL, OR POEM: The best article or poem about whatâs worth preserving in our community. It might be a way of life, the desert, a saguaro, a rattlesnake, a nonprofit organization, or local history; the possibilities are endless.
COWBOY POEM: The best poem about the Old West, ranching, cowboy personality, or similar theme. The poem can be serious, humorous, or both.
SEEING AND DOING ARTICLE OR POEM. TALL STORY: The best article or poem about something that a member of our community has seen or done. It might be a story about a vacation, a good deed done, etc.
GRAND PRIZE: The best overall article, poem, or story. All articles, poems, and stories should be about local flora, fauna, places, people, or our community. Entrants can submit a maximum of two entries per category. The piece must have been written by the entrant in the last three years, cannot exceed 700Â words
Prizes and Recognition Galore!
- All winning entries will be published in The Peak magazine.
- Winners will be recognized in The Peak Newsletter, Facebook, and Twitter.
- Winners will be recognized at The Peak’s Summit of Summer Fun.
- One year free GPPA Individual/Family Membership, including all benefits
- Gift cards from national retailers, entertainment venues, restaurants
- Other prizes
Be Part of The Peak’s Summit of Summer Fun on Saturday, Sept. 5th
Join The Peak, Wild At Heart, fellow entrants, friends, and neighbors at The Summit Diner for an informal, relaxed meal and program. Read “You’re Invited to The Peak’s Summit of Summer Fun, Sat., Sept. 5, 6 PM” for information. Don’t miss this fun and informative evening!
 Entering the Write Stuff Contest
There is no entry fee. Entrants must submit an entry form along with their entries by August 23rd. Contest rules and submission guidelines appear below. You can also request that we email these items to you. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact The Peak. Our contact information is provided below. BE SURE TO REVIEW THE RULES AND SUBMISSION GUIDELINES BEFORE YOU START CREATING YOUR ENTRIES. Have fun this summer and WIN!
Contest Contact Information
Email:, to request contest information and submit entry forms, and entries Phone: (480) 361-6498, to request contest information Mail:Â The Peak, 8711 E Pinnacle Peak Road #123, Scottsdale, AZ 85255, to submit entry forms and entries Fax:Â Â Â Available, call for information.
Download and Print Write Stuff Contest Entry Form
Before you submit your entry form (s), be sure to review the contest rules and guidelines below. One form can be used to submit tw0 entries. If you have more than two entries, submit additional forms as required. Remember, it’s quality that counts, not quantity.
Download Write Stuff Contest Entry Form2015 Summer Fun Write Stuff Contest Rules and Submission Guidelines
 Contest Rules
- The article, essay, or poem must be original material written by the person submitting the article.
- The entry must be received by The Peak by the submission deadline: midnight, Sunday, August 23, 2015.
- The entry must be from 300 to 900 words in length.
- The entry can be fiction or nonfiction.
- The entry should have a title.
- The entry should be appropriate for its category and relate to our community.
- Entries will be judged based on creativity, originality, and writing skill. The style and tone of the entry should be consistent with material that is published in A Peek at the Peak magazine.
- The author must be age 13 or older.
- Contestants cannot be members of the GPPA Board of Directors, members of their respective families, or a contest judge. The decision of the judges is final.
- GPPA and A Peek at the Peak magazine reserve the right to edit and publish the submitted entry in the magazine,
 Submission Guidelines
- Â A completed and signed entry form must accompany each submission. This entry form should be neatly printed by hand or computer. It can be sent via email, or postal mail and need not be sent with the photograph (s).
- The name and phone number of the contestant should be written on the first page of the entry, i.e. article.
- Entries can be sent via email or postal mail.
- Emailed entries should be sent as attachments and be MS Word or WordPerfect files. The text of an entry can be pasted into the email message.
- Mailed entries should be neatly printed by hand or computer.
- The inclusion of up to two photographs, illustrations, or graphics in the article is optional. If these items are included, the author may include a brief caption for each item. We prefer that these items be sent as Jpg files. Jpg files, with very high resolution, can be submitted on CDs or a 3.5-inch computer disc formatted for IBM.
- You can submit material by email to Materials can also be mailed to The Peak, 8711 E. Pinnacle Peak Road, #123, Scottsdale, AZ 85255.
Thank you for your support. We look forward to receiving your entry. Good luck.
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