It can’t be as exciting as attending an Academy Award ceremony. None-the-less, guests at The Peak’s Summit of Summer Fun had an enjoyable evening as the winners of The Peak’s Summer Fun contests were recognized for their writing and photographic accomplishments.
As they ate a relaxing dinner at The Summit Diner in north Scottsdale, guests watched a continuous presentation of pictures taken by local photographers. Wild At Heart had an exhibit on the patio that featured a live red-tailed hawk, great horned owl, and several pigmy owls.
After watching the photos, guests voted for their favorites in each of the following three groups of photos.
#1. Diner’s Choice Photo Award for the best photo not selected as a winner by contest judges.
#2. Best Wild At Heart photo of hawks and owls.
#3. Best of The Peak photo from a selection of photographs published in A Peek at the Peak magazine since 2003.
Following dinner, there was a brief awards ceremony. GPPA president, Bob Cappel, served as emcee. The Peak’s editor, Les Conklin, presented the awards, and GPPA’s Cindy Lee briefed guests on the Save the Scenic Drive campaign. Stephanie Bradley was the lucky winner of the 50/50 raffle and donated the winnings to the Scenic Drive.
Read Winning Write Stuff Poems & Articles See Winners of Tony Nelssen Photo ContestPittsburgh Production were presented with a special award for Above and Beyond Videography for its creation of three “Save the Scenic Drive” videos. Watch Videos
GPPA, which publishes The Peak magazine, is a 501 c (3). Friends of the Scenic Drive is a division of GPPA and comprised of volunteers who maintain the Desert Foothills Scenic Drive. The Peak magazine has conducted the Summer Fun ContestPis every summer for the last 12 years.
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You’re Invited to The Peak’s Summit of Summer Fun, Sat. Sept. 6th – Published: August 30, 2015
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