So how’s your summer shape-up program going? What’s that? It’s too hot to exercise, you say? Nice try, my friend. Trot on back to your closet, slip into that Speedo, and meet me in the pool!
Ahhhhhhhhh, doesn’t that water feel terrific? Well, yes, but now what in the world do I do, you’re thinking quietly to yourself. Heck, anything you can do on land you can do in the water, and it will be a whole lot easier on your body in the long run. For example, starting in chest-deep water, simply walk and back forth across the pool. If your knees and ankles will tolerate it, add jogging or leaping through the water. You may even find you can do things in the pool that you aren’t able to do on dry land. The beauty of pool exercise is that the water provides enough buoyancy to take the pressure of bouncing up and down off your back, hips, knees, and ankles. Professional athletes often begin rehabilitation in the pool after being injured. And what could be a better addition to your workout regime this time of year?
For even more fun, the next time you’re at the drug store, pick up a couple of those brightly colored Styrofoam noodles — you know, the ones designed for children. Some of them even have doggie and horsey heads on them. (If you’re working out in your own backyard pool, do whatever floats your boat. If you’re visiting a community pool, you might want to rethink the animal heads.) Sit on one of those noodles long-ways, so the ends are sticking out in front and back of you. Relax your legs and feet and propel yourself across the pool using ONLY your arms. Not easy, is it? Now, standing in about chest-deep water, hold a noodle out in front of you with your hands shoulder-width apart. Keeping your arms straight, pull the noodle down through the water until it touches your thighs, then slowly let it return to the surface. That’s not easy either, is it? Keep moving for another 30-60 minutes, and you’ll have completed a dandy aerobic workout AND had a refreshing swim.
Here are some additional tips: If the bottom of your pool has a rough surface, slip on a pair of old sneakers to protect your tender tootsies. And while you’re inside getting those sneakers, grab a portable CD player and some jazzy music and really get moving. In fact, invite a few friends over — the more the merrier! While you’re having all that fun, don’t forget to apply sunscreen EVERYWHERE because the sun’s rays can penetrate even water. And finally, even though you may not be perspiring, you will definitely be losing moisture, so keep a water bottle close by and drink, drink, drink. Have fun and stay cool!
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