Seven Short Stories Featuring My Friend “Doc,” Story #7

Muy Feo

Dave Wells enjoys a beer at Greasewood Flat. Photo courtesy of Dave Wells.

Dave Wells enjoys a beer at Greasewood Flat. Photo courtesy of Dave Wells.

By Dave Wells

Even though Dave Wells took two years of Spanish in high school, he was pretty much limited in his Spanish speaking ability, counting to ten and a few other words. It all changed when Doc introduced him to “MUY FEO.”

One evening at Greasewood Flat, Dave was having a beer, served by speedy Mary Starke, with Doc and Anticoleta. The door swung open and inside walked a young lady. Everyone turned to see who she might be.

Anticoleta immediately said “Muy Feo.” Doc started laughing, roaring, and Dave just sat there dumbfounded not knowing what “Muy Feo” meant. Dave looked at Doc who was still laughing at Anticoleta’s choice of words. Dave asked, “What does ‘Muy Feo’ mean?”

Dave suggests you ask Doc’s good friend, Jose, the next time you see him at Greasewood Flat. Dave has never forgotten that day when he first heard “MUY FEO.”


Hope you enjoyed reading these short stories about Doc. Remember the old saying…. The Old Clockmaker is out there, waiting. And, all you have to fight with against all that is your identity. In the end, that’s all you have.

Enjoying Greasewood, l-r- Dave Wells, Marg, Doc, and Stan, "The Mayor"

Enjoying Greasewood, l-r- Dave Wells, Marg, Doc, and Stan, “The Mayor”

Related Articles

Seven Short Stories Featuring My Friend “Doc” – Published March 30, 2015 – Provides links to all articles in the series that have been published.


Author: Dave Wells

Dave Wells is retired and lives in Memphis, Tennessee. He received his B.B.A Degree from the University of Mississippi. After working as a sales executive at Schering-Plough Corporation for 31 years, he retired early to Scottsdale, Arizona, in 1992 for its beautiful weather and competitive golf. Dave has written numerous magazine articles on golfing experiences and his memorable days in Arizona before he returned to Memphis in 2002.

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