Seven Short Stories Featuring My Friend “Doc,” Story #6

Docos Tacos

Dave Wells enjoys a beer at Greasewood Flat. Photo courtesy of Dave Wells.

Dave Wells enjoys a beer at Greasewood Flat. Photo courtesy of Dave Wells.

By Dave Wells

Remember the creation of Docos Tacos, the specially prepared Mexican food by a nice man named “Eddie.” Eddie’s stand was directly to the left as you entered Greasewood Flat – a waiting line was ever-present, and the food was great.

Nancy and Dave Wells were sitting at one of the famous Greasewood fires made by no other than Stan Carkin, the Mayor of Greasewood Flat. The fire was close to the outside bar with bartender Ron Boring being continuously paged. Docos Tacos was new, but you could already tell it was going to be a success when Bev Oglesby made this classic statement,

“I knew that Docos Tacos was going to be successful. EVERYTHING DOC TOUCHES TURNS TO GOLD.”

Marg, Doc's wife, and Nancy Wells, author's wife

Marg, Doc’s wife, and Nancy Wells, author’s wife

Related Articles

Seven Short Stories Featuring My Friend “Doc” – Published March 30, 2015 – Provides links to all articles in the series that have been published.


Author: Dave Wells

Dave Wells is retired and lives in Memphis, Tennessee. He received his B.B.A Degree from the University of Mississippi. After working as a sales executive at Schering-Plough Corporation for 31 years, he retired early to Scottsdale, Arizona, in 1992 for its beautiful weather and competitive golf. Dave has written numerous magazine articles on golfing experiences and his memorable days in Arizona before he returned to Memphis in 2002.

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