Scottsdale Beer Festival Will Showcase Recycled Water Use

News Release

Courtesy Scottsdale Water Department

Contact: Nicole Sherbert, 480-312-5689

Sept. 12, 2019

Scottsdale Water issued Arizona’s first permit for direct use of recycled water

Upcoming event will showcase the purity of advanced treated recycled water

This week, the Advanced Water Treatment Plant at the Scottsdale Water Campus became the state’s first – and one of only three in the nation – permanent water treatment facility permitted to treat recycled water for potable water uses. The groundbreaking permit effectively establishes a model for cities across Arizona to begin working towards reusing their precious water resources for future, long-term water sustainability.

“Scottsdale Water has always been at the forefront of water reuse innovation,” said Scottsdale Water Executive Director Brian K. Biesemeyer. “We have been successfully operating our Advanced Water Treatment Plant to treat recycled water to ultrapure standards for over two decades. We are extremely proud to help not just Arizona cities, but communities worldwide, establish a path toward direct potable reuse and long-term water sustainability.”

Scottsdale Convergence. Courtesy Scottsdale Public Arts.

The Advanced Water Treatment Plant at the Scottsdale Water Campus has been performing indirect potable reuse – recharging ultrapure water into the drinking water aquifer – for over 20 years. The facility takes tertiary effluent from the city’s conventional water reclamation plant and further treats it through ozonation, membrane ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet photolysis. The AWT can treat up to 20 million gallons of water a day to a water quality standard that exceeds that of bottled water. Due primarily to the AWT, Scottsdale has recharged over 70 billion gallons into regional aquifers since 1988.

While the water produced by the AWT is considered ultrapure, up until 2018, there was a regulatory prohibition in Arizona against using recycled water for direct potable use. Last year, the State approved removing the prohibition, which allowed the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality to permit water systems for direct potable reuse.

“As technology has advanced, so has our ability to monitor water reuse to the highest standards,” said Misael Cabrera, Director of the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. “With the rule change, ADEQ can now permit water systems with the highest level of expertise – such as Scottsdale Water – to employ innovative approaches to ensure the quality and quantity of Arizona’s water supply today and into the future.”
What’s Next?
While Scottsdale has the technical ability to treat recycled water to a level exceeding drinking water quality standards, the city will not be sending recycled water into the drinking water system. Instead, Scottsdale will continue to meet customer needs through its diverse water supply portfolio, which includes using indirect potable reuse to recharge the aquifer for future beneficial use.

Other cities, however, are actively pursuing direct potable reuse as a long-term water source and Scottsdale’s executed permit from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality should help guide them down that path.

“Through aggressive aquifer recharge and our unique public-private partnership with local golf courses, Scottsdale is already maximizing the use of our collected wastewater,” explained Biesemeyer. “We pursued the DPR permit for demonstration purposes and to help other water providers define their paths toward optimal water reuse.”

With the regulatory change in place and the DPR permit issued, the next step is addressing public perception about drinking recycled water.

Scottsdale Convergence 2017. Courtesy Scottsdale Publlic Arts.

“It can be a hurdle,” recognized Nicole Sherbert, Scottsdale Water’s Public Information Officer who is heading up Scottsdale’s efforts to normalize public perception about direct potable reuse. “Convincing people that water from their sinks, showers, washing machines and, yes, toilets, can be cleaned to ultrapure standards can be a tough sell, but through education and transparency, I’m confident we’ll get there.”

The first step for Scottsdale in moving that public perception needle is to introduce the recycled water through something consumers might find initially more palatable. Namely…Beer!

This Nov. 8 and 9, Scottsdale Water and Canal Convergence – the city’s premier arts and education event – will host the world’s first beer festival featuring only craft beers brewed with recycled water. The One Water Brewing Showcase at Canal Convergence will spotlight ten Valley breweries (listed below) who will be crafting and serving beer made from water delivered directly from Scottsdale’s Advanced Water Treatment Plant.

“Uncle Bear’s is thrilled to be part of the One Water Brewing Showcase because water is so important to beer!” said Andrew Bauman, Head Brewer for Uncle Bear’s Brewery in Gilbert. “Although all water is recycled water, we’re impressed by the incredible system Scottsdale has implemented to make the cleanest water possible. The future of water for Arizona, and for the next generations, is happening right now and it’s awesome to get to be a part of this project.”

The One Water Brewing Showcase is free to attend and will feature five breweries each night. Guests will be able to purchase individual full-size draft beers or sampler flights to taste all five.

In addition to the beer showcase, Scottsdale holds a controlled number of educational events at the Scottsdale Water Campus throughout the year and visitors to the facility will now be able to taste the purified water directly from the source as part of future Advanced Water Treatment Plant tours.

“This is a major step forward for the future of water treatment and supply,” concluded Biesemeyer. “By leading the efforts to not only implement the technology for DPR, but also to influence both regulatory implementation and public perception, Scottsdale Water is continuing to exemplify our vision of water sustainability through stewardship, innovation and people.”

For more information about the Advanced Water Treatment Plant and a water quality report for the DPR water being used for the One Water Brewing Showcase, visit and search “recycled water.” You can also get updates on the One Water Brewing Showcase on social media by following the hashtags #ScottsdaleWater #CanalConvergence #OneWaterBrewing and #DrinkRecycled.

About Scottsdale Water

Scottsdale Water – the city’s municipal water utility – has been providing quality drinking water and advanced reclamation services to Scottsdale businesses and residents for over 45 years. An industry leader, the utility has been recognized with the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies’ Sustainable Water Utility Management Award – the highest industry recognition conferred to municipal water agencies – and as a Utility of the Future Today by the Environmental Protection Agency and its partners.

About Canal Convergence

Canal Convergence | Water + Art + Light is a free, 10-day, public art event from Nov. 8–17, 2019, at the Scottsdale Waterfront. This year’s event follows the theme of “The Story of Water” and will feature numerous large-scale, light-based installations, many of which will have interactive components. In addition to the artworks, Canal Convergence features live performances, food vendors, a beer and wine garden, educational artist talks and all-ages workshops and activities throughout the event. Canal Convergence is nearing its goal of becoming a zero-waste event, and many of the activities will focus on sustainability. The event is organized by Scottsdale Public Art, a branch of the nonprofit Scottsdale Arts. Visit for more information, including artist bios and detailed artwork descriptions.

Participating Breweries

A variety of beers are brewed using recycled water. Courtesy wfpt.

Scottsdale Water is proud to have the following breweries participating in the One Water Brewing Showcase. Follow us on social media at #OneWaterBrewing for updates on the types of beers being crafted and the dates they will be available at the respective breweries.

  • Desert Monks Brewing Co
  • O.H.S.O. Nano-Brewery
  • Uncle Bear’s Brewery
  • Freak’N Brewing Company (in collaboration with Dubina Brewing Co)
  • Wren House Brewing Co
  • Walter Station
  • Fate Brewing Co
  • Mother Bunch Brewing, Inc
  • North Mountain Brewing
  • Flying Basset Brewing


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Author: The Peak

The Peak was originally printed and distributed in 1983 by the Greater Pinnacle Peak Association (GPPA) as a six-page neighborhood newsletter for the hundred or so residents who lived in the Pinnacle Peak area of Scottsdale, Arizona. Today, GPPA publishes an expanded online version for tens of thousands of readers as a free community service serving Scottsdale and neighborhing communities.

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