Scenic Drive Roadside Cleanup Set for Saturday, October 27, 7:45 A.M.


cleanup volunteers

Not every volunteer got “into the picture” with the roving photographer, but everyone’s time and effort to clean up litter along Scottsdale Road’s Scenic Drive was much appreciated. Here they are! Courtesy Cindy Lee and Peter Cherry.

Help clear roadside litter from Happy Valley Road to Carefree Highway on North Scottsdale Road. New volunteers are welcome. Your support is essential.

Help us get the 2018-2019 year off to a great start. The cleanup will end at 9:45 a.m. and volunteers are invited to a post cleanup raffle at the monument sign.

This is a city-wide Keep Scottsdale Beautiful event, meaning that all Adopt-A-Road participants, including our organization will be picking up litter in their assigned areas.

New volunteers are welcome. Your support is essential. You are also invited to a brief post cleanup complimentary raffle for entertainment gift cards.

Cleanup volunteers are assigned a relatively small area (and we work for less than 2 hours) but when we’re done, the result is 13 miles of litter- free Scottsdale Road roadside, from Happy Valley to Carefree Hwy, PLUS a generous amount of volunteer personal satisfaction.


Volunteers must sign-in at either the “North” or “South” locations. At both locations, you will  a friendly welcome, complimentary donuts and water, plus safety vests, trash bags and  a “pick-up” stick. You will be asked to sign a city waiver form and be assigned a section of roadside.  At the end of the cleanup volunteers return the safety vests and pickup sticks to either of the sign-in locations.

The North Sign-in is convenient location is located approximately 1/4 mile south of Carefree Highway on the west side of Scottsdale Road (just south of the entrance to Walgreens, near the Scenic Drive entry monument). Volunteers will be manning a table next to the sidewalk.  It is convenient for residents who live north of Dixileta, e.g. Winfield, Terravita.

The South Sign-in is located approximately 1/4 south of Jomax Road on the east side of Scottsdale Road (across Scottsdale Road from the entry to MacDonald’s Ranch at the turn-in for the Scenic Drive monument and exhibit area). It is convenient for residents who live south of Dixileta, e.g. Bemt Tree Estates, Monte de Paz.


Enjoy a cool visit to a local movie theater on Friends of the Scenic Drive!

Immediately following the cleanup a there will be a complimentary drawings for entertainment gift cards. These will take place at the monument sign/exhibit area, across Scottsdale Road from MacDonald’s Ranch and will take a maximum of 15 minutes.

We will also be taking photos of volunteers at work during te cleanup. These photos will be used for an article that will be published in The Peak.

Please spread the word. We need help to preserve the Scenic Drive.


For Additional Cleanup Information and Optional Registration

Registering online in advance is NOT required. Just show up at one of the sign-in locations. Advance registration helps us plan.

Information & Optional Registration


Photos of Past Cleanup and Scenic Drive Information

Use the links below for more information about our January 27, 2018 event and Scottsdale’s Scenic Drive.

January 27, 2018 Cleanup Article Scenic Drive Information Directory
Friends of the Scenic Adopt a Road Cleanup Sign

Friends of the Scenic Drive Helps Maintain and Enhance Scottsdale’s Scenic Drive.

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Author: Les Conklin

Les Conklin is a resident of north Scottsdale He founded Friends of the Scenic Drive, the Monte de Paz HOA and is the president of the Greater Pinnacle Peak Association. He was named to Scottsdale's History Maker Hall of Fame in 2014. Les is a past editor of A Peek at the Peak and the author of Images of America: Pinnacle Peak. He served on the Scottsdale's Pride Commission, McDowell Sonoran Preserve Commission, the boards of several local nonprofits and was a founding organizer of the city's Adopt-A-Road Program.. Les is a volunteer guide at the Musical Instrument Museum.

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