1995 Newspaper Article Archive
We have included summaries for all articles with a check box next to their title.
“Where do we grow? Wishing for sprawl to end isn’t enough”, Scottsdale Progress Tribune, December 8, 1995
“Paving The Way to Ruin; Developments are threatening Valley’s scenic vistas”, Arizona Republic, December 17, 1995
“Scottsdale Preservationists try to save desert along scenic drive”, Arizona Republic, February 17, 1995
“History of the Desert Foothills Scenic Drive”, A Peek at the Peak, February 1995
“Help Wanted, Desert Foothills Scenic Drive restoration underway”, Foothills Sentinel, February 1995.
“30 years down the road, scenic drive restored”, Tribune Newspapers, Uniquely Scottsdale, Sunday, February 12, 1995
“Whoa! Scenic drive sign to match view”, The Phoenix Gazette, September 8, 1995
“The Drive’s Alive; Scenic Desert Foothills route showing renewed signs of life”, Foothills Sentinel, September 27, 1995
“With 69,000 volts overhead area residents believe APS power lines will transform desert into “Jurassic Park”, Sonoran News, August 1995
“They’re poles apart on power; residents of scenic area upset over APS proposal”, The Phoenix Gazette, August 15, 1995
“New Life for the Desert Foothills Scenic Drive”, The Carefree Enterprise, November 1995
1995 Article Summaries1996 Newspaper Article Archive
We have included summaries for all articles with a check box next to their title.
“Protect views in N. Scottsdale”, Tribune Newspapers, Local Opinion, April 6, 1996
“Burying power lines preserves scenic area”, Sonoran News, April 10, 1996
“Invitation to Cookout at the Ranch”, A Peek at the Peek, June 1996Â
1997 Newspaper Article Archive
We have included summaries for all articles with a check box next to their title.
“Friends to help replant Scenic Drive”, Scottsdale Tribune, April 6, 1997
“MacDonald Ranch priceless desert asset”, Scottsdale Progress Tribune, April 10, 1997
“Monument plants selected for drive”, Sonoran News, April 16, 1997
“Friends of the Scenic Drive organize cookout”, Foothills Sentinel, May 20, 1997
“Friends of Desert Scenic Drive continue campaign to beautify , publicize highway”, Foothills Sentinel, June 11, 1997
“Volunteers preserve Foothills scenic road”, Arizona Republic, June 11, 1997
“Thank You!”, Sonoran News, June 18, 1997; Advertisement thanking contributors to Cookout at the Ranch
“Scouts volunteer to work on Drive”, Sonoran News, July 25, 1997
“Scout helps Scenic Drive as Eagle project”, Foothills Sentinel, July 25, 1997
“Scenic drive to get improvements”, Scottsdale Tribune, October 26, 1997
“Group determined to save scenic area”, Arizona Republic, October 26, 1997
“New signs for Scenic Drive”, Sonoran News, Oct. 29-Nov. 4
Reports and Other Summaries Archive
We have included summaries for all articles with a check box next to their title.
 “Desert Foothills Scenic Drive”; Report by Maricopa County Planning Department, May 1966
“Early History of Desert Foothills Scenic Drive”, Cave Creek Improvement Association, 1983
“Desert Foothills Scenic Drive”, Background information prepared by Jo Walker, 1986 Scenic corridors proposal presented to Planning and Zoning Commission, City of Phoenix, Cave Creek Improvement Association, July 8, 1987
Restoring the Desert Foothills Scenic Drive, Letter from Les Conklin to volunteer identifying needs and suggesting organization, December 24, 1994 “Desert Foothills Scenic Drive, Proposal to City of Scottsdale Hospitality Commission”, April 2, 1995
“Discovering the Desert Foothills Scenic Drive”, Scottsdale Magazine, Summer 1996
“Desert Foothills Scenic Drive, Restoration, Enhancement and Preservation: Phase 2”; Description of funding needs, Friends of the Scenic Drive, July 22, 1996
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