Pinnacle Peak Park Regular Hiker Update, July 13

“Sunset at Pinnacle Peak Grill” by Kimberly Coleman, 2018 Beautiful Skies Contest

July 13, 2018

Courtesy City of Scottsdale

We will be changing our closing time this coming Sunday to 7:45p.m. Wow, this is always the indicator that summer is on the way out . . . The opening time will change on August 1st to 5:15 a.m.

The monsoons have brought some wonderful weather, and the plants are already beginning to green up! It has also brought the usual erosion to the trail! The trail crew will be out on Monday to work on some of the troubled spots, and will continue to do so as needed throughout the monsoon. If you are hiking after a storm and see some work that is needed, please snap a photo with your phone if possible and email it to me. That way I can forward it along to the trail crew so that they know exactly what they have in store! Thank you!

We will soon be getting a new end of the trail sign to replace the very weathered one currently on the Jomax side. The Friends will be covering the cost of the sign. Click on the link below for a preview of what is to come! Yay!!!

New End of the Trail Sign

Additionally, in the near future we will be adding interpretive animals signs along the trail and around the trailhead! Kelly has been working on these signs for months (pretty close to a year actually!) and finished them up this past week! It is her original art, with educational information. Wait until you see them! AMAZING!!! The Friends will be covering the cost of these through a generous from a Friends of PPP supporter.

We have been getting some amazing photos at the wildlife drinker! The drinker distribution list had grown to our staff, volunteers, city personnel and hikers, and the photos are also now featured on the city’s website too! If you would like to be added to the distribution list, send your request and your email address to Kathy at


One of our regular hikers, brought to my attention that there have been more bird sightings than what we have listed on our bird brochure. For instance she has seen Canadian Geese, we have had Golden Eagles resting on the awnings, as well as many others that are not documented! I have a bird pamphlet now on my desk that I have been adding to, so that we can do a revision on our next printing. If you have seen a species that is not listed, please let me know and I will add it. Before going to print, I am going to consult with our birding expert, to have her give it the once over and make sure that they are keyed properly! Please let me know if you would like me to email you a scanned copy of the list we currently have now . . . I will be happy to do so!

Heads up! New volunteer recruiting begins Aug. 1st. We will begin accepting applications then, with training beginning the first of October. If you or anyone that you know would like to become involved, please let Kelly know by sending her a note at She will send out the Volunteer Application in the beginning of August.

Thank you! Have a great day!

Yvonne R. Massman
Natural Resources Coordinator
Pinnacle Peak Park
McDowell Sonoran Preserve Central Area
Direct line) 480-312-7901
Office main line) 480-312-0990
To learn more about the Pinnacle Peak Park and the McDowell Sonoran Preserve,
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Author: The Peak

The Peak was originally printed and distributed in 1983 by the Greater Pinnacle Peak Association (GPPA) as a six-page neighborhood newsletter for the hundred or so residents who lived in the Pinnacle Peak area of Scottsdale, Arizona. Today, GPPA publishes an expanded online version for tens of thousands of readers as a free community service serving Scottsdale and neighborhing communities.

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