Part II of the Peaky Blinder and Piper Great Horned Owl Story

May 14. 2017

Video and Story by Laurel Strohmeyer

Living here in the Sonoran Desert it is not unusual to hear great horned owls calling in the evening or to even see them sitting on top of a saguaro. But what is it like for them to raise their young here, threatened by heat, wind, rain, predators, and accidental injury?

I, like most Peak readers, thoroughly enjoyed the first part of this story and I wondered what was wrong when the webcam stopped working. Were the owlets o.k.? Did something happen to the nest?  What about the parents, Peaky Blinder and Piper?

This latest video answers my questions. I cannot thank Laurel enough for this educational, sad, and ultimately beautiful story; an incredible piece of work. Also, thank you for Desert Landscape Company and Wild At Heart Raptor Rehabilitation for their caring, life-saving efforts.

Here is the note that I received from the author of this video. Note that the video is well worth 18 minutes of your time.


P.S. If you missed the first part of this great horned owl story, you will find a link to it under “Related Articles & Videos.”



May 10, 2017

From Laurel Strohmeyer,

I’ve finally completed the second part of this story.  it’s about 18 minutes in length, so save it for when you have the time.  I tried to shorten it but just couldn’t cut anything else. 

Here is the link, feel free to share with others.



Related Article & Videos

Videos & Webcam: Nesting Great Horned Owls – Update 4-14-17

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Author: Laurel Strohmeyer

Born and raised on the east coast, Laurel now enjoys life in Scottsdale, AZ with her husband Jim and Rhodesian Ridgeback Jengo. As an artist with an insatiable curiosity for wildlife and a love of nature, Laurel enjoys both landscape and wildlife photography. She considers herself a wildlife biographer. “Whether I’m shooting a band of horses, a family of owls, or a breathtaking sunrise, it’s the “Feeling of a complete union with nature, where for a moment, nothing else exists ” that I hope to bring to others with my work.” Laurel’s work can be seen at

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