Scottsdale Photos: Yard Birds & A Bonus

By Tom Mangelsdorf

 Unlike some of the more elusive Greater Pinnacle Peak area’s wildlife like javelina or bobcats, birds can be found in nearly any back yard. They’re abundant. They’re colorful. They sing. And, most wonderful of all, they can fly.

Spring is quickly coming, and the birds are pairing up to build nests and lay their eggs. It’s a magnificent time of year. I would encourage everyone to turn off their televisions, cell phones, iPads and other distractions for an hour every day. Get outside. Take a walk. Breathe in the fresh air, and enjoy looking for birds and the other critters sharing your world. It’ll work wonders on bringing down your blood pressure and improving your outlook on life.

Here are just some of the birds (and a cute little bonus) you might see.


Northern Cardinal, Courtesy of Tom Mangelsdorf

Northern Cardinal, Courtesy of Tom Mangelsdorf


Lesser Goldfinch, Courtesy of Tom Mangelsdorf

Lesser Goldfinch, Courtesy of Tom Mangelsdorf


Harris Hawk, Courtesy of Tom Mangelsdorf

Harris Hawk, Courtesy of Tom Mangelsdorf


Northern Mockingbird, Courtesy of Tom Mangelsdorf

Northern Mockingbird, Courtesy of Tom Mangelsdorf


Phainopepla, Courtesy of Tom Mangelsdorf

Phainopepla, Courtesy of Tom Mangelsdorf

Peach Faced Lovebird, Courtesy of Tom Mangelsdorf

Peach Faced Lovebird, Courtesy of Tom Mangelsdorf


Greater Roadrunner, Courtesy of Tom Mangelsdorf

Greater Roadrunner, Courtesy of Tom Mangelsdorf


Harris Ground Squirrel (the bonus), Courtesy of Tom Mangelsdorf

Harris Ground Squirrel (the bonus), Courtesy of Tom Mangelsdorf


Related Website

Tom Mangeldorf’s Photo Website,


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Author: Tom Mangelsdorf

Tom Mangelsdorf is a long-time resident of north Scottsdale. Tom is a frequent contributor to A Peek at the Peak. Tom is usually among the winners of The Peak's annual Summer Fun Photography Contest.

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