Holiday Gathering Brings Greeting & Good Cheer

December 21, 2019

Dear Peak Editor, 

Despite appearances, this message is not from the past and current male justices of the United States Supreme Court and it’s not from the members of the Unitied States Senate.  This message is from the distinguished group of Road Scholars who attended the December 18th luncheon at Aturo Joe’s in Narragansett, Rhode Island.

Seated; Dale Harrington, Tony Almeida, Phil Read, Fr. Cipolla, Paul Mania, J.P. Ayotte and Claude Trottier.

Standing: Jim George, Dick Jordan, Ray Carroll, Bob Sawyer, Pete Lewis, Denny Denelle, Joe Mollica, Carl Reetz and Jim Quinn.

We had 17 attendees. There were cancellations due to slippery roads from Tom Kennedy, Tom McIntosh and Hank Millette.

Prof. Tsokos, Bob Schachner, Bob Ayotte, Joe Marriott, Ms Judy.and Les Conklin sent their regards.

Distances travelled: Joe Mollica flew from Tucson, Carl Reetz took the train from Boston and Fr. Cipolla braved the icy roads for two hours from Connecticut.

Jerry Fortier kept the agenda on schedule and J.P. Ayotte, Chief Financial Officer  & Greeter, balanced the books.

Al Cargill did not disappoint as he left before lunch…….again.

Ray Carroll came to lunch instead of playing basketball.

Paul Mania is in good spirit after his latest medical issue.

Dale Harrington has preserved the history of Delta Sigma with the “door” at Upper College Road.

Jim George indicated that our chapter is progressing well with over 30 pledges this year. The issue remains of keeping the Brothers in the house instead of living “down the line.” The Admin awaits the 2020 Biking Sig/Road Scholar schedule from our organization’s higher levels.

Fr. Cipolla braved the icy roads for two hours from Connecticut. We thank him for celebrating the White Rose ceremony in remembrance of our departed Road Scholars and leading us in saying the “Sigma Chi Grace”.

Merry Christmas & Best Wishes in 2020,

Claude Trottier, The Admin & Peak Contributor
Biking Sigs/Road Scholars


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Author: The Peak

The Peak was originally printed and distributed in 1983 by the Greater Pinnacle Peak Association (GPPA) as a six-page neighborhood newsletter for the hundred or so residents who lived in the Pinnacle Peak area of Scottsdale, Arizona. Today, GPPA publishes an expanded online version for tens of thousands of readers as a free community service serving Scottsdale and neighborhing communities.

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