Look Here! New Column for Peak Readers – “Get Out of Your Room!”

March 14, 2018

Introducing a New Column By and For The Peak‘s Readers

It’s good to “get our of your room” but don’t try this. This 1948 photograph shows Eagle Scout Lee Pedrick jumping the chasm that splits the summit of Pinnacle Peak. Ed. (Courtesy of Katchina Archives.}


In the February Update 2018 issue of The Peak, we published Rick Smith’s article “Get Out of Your Room!” Here is Rick’s opening paragraph –

“There was only one thing left for me to do. Just turn the ignition key, put the car in gear and drive away. I’d already walked out of the audition room full of people. Overcome with anxiety, out the door I’d marched, across the parking lot, into my car, key in the ignition. But Esther Paddleford’s words wouldn’t let me leave. ‘Don’t ever be afraid to get out of your room,’ Mrs. Paddleford advised me one day.”  Rick Smith, Get Out of Your Room!

I wrote it then and I’ll write it again, Rick’s “title is a great idea for a column. What activity do you and other Peak’s readers participate in to provide a change of pace or a fresh start?”

Within days, The Peak received confirmation that this was a column that readers would like to support.


Get Out of Your Room! – Go Fishing in Alaska

By Charlie Kelley

As usual I enjoyed Rick Smith’s latest contribution. I was thinking about your column idea and thought of this photo I took three years ago while fishing in Alaska.

Bear Joins Our Fishing Expedition by Charlie Kelley.

Even though I was in the ideal place to be (behind my buddy) when a wild bear is closing at 25 yards, I was still definitely out of my room! We were in the Katmai National Park which is over 4 million acres of pristine wilderness. In addition to boundless wildlife it contains 15 active volcanoes. We fish for large trophy rainbow trout on a catch-and-release basis. There are more people who summit Mt. Everest each year than visit this park which is the size of Wales. Charlie

PS. The bear caught the fish he/she was after and my friend lived. He still speaks to me when I go out of my room.

Get Out of Your Room! – Watch the Wildlife in Your Yard

By Bob Dowd

The photo was taken on Feb. 14th about 7:30 A.M. Yes, we have bobcats come through our yard and area quite often. also javelin, coyotes, Harris hawks, it is a great place to see wildlife. In fact, some javelina were running around near the tree with the bobcats in it while the bobcats were hissing at each other. It was quite a show.

Bobcat Above, Javelina Below by Bob Dowd

On another day, we had two bobcats in a tree in our backyard. The one pictured below chased the second one up the tree and then sat there for an hour watching him. Eventually the aggressor left out the back yard and the second one came down and went out the front.

Bobcat Leaving Safety of Tree by Bob Dowd.


How do you escape “the room.” Do you volunteer for a nonprofit organization? Take a trip? Go shopping in Scottsdale?”  Let The Peak know. Email a few pictures and words to thepeak@gppaaz.org.

Related Web Sites & Articles

Katmai National Park & Preserve Website  Website

Get out of Your Room! by Rick Smith Article

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Author: Les Conklin

Les Conklin is a resident of north Scottsdale He founded Friends of the Scenic Drive, the Monte de Paz HOA and is the president of the Greater Pinnacle Peak Association. He was named to Scottsdale's History Maker Hall of Fame in 2014. Les is a past editor of A Peek at the Peak and the author of Images of America: Pinnacle Peak. He served on the Scottsdale's Pride Commission, McDowell Sonoran Preserve Commission, the boards of several local nonprofits and was a founding organizer of the city's Adopt-A-Road Program.. Les is a volunteer guide at the Musical Instrument Museum.

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