Just Say No to Processing!

By Marilyn Schletzer

Marilyn Schletzer

Marilyn Schletzer

I ran into my friend, Tallulah de Groot, the other day at the grocery store (okay, that’s not her real name, but sometimes names are changed to protect innocent bystanders), and she was looking fit and fabulous.  When she noticed me eyeing her basket, which was filled to overflowing with nothing but fresh fruits and vegetables (where the heck are the goodies, I wondered quietly to myself!), she began extolling the virtues and benefits of a new eating program she was trying, which had already resulted in a 10-pound weight loss.  I was all ears!  The regimen revolves primarily around fresh juices, fruits, and vegetables, accompanied by fresh meat and fish and absolutely NO processed foods.  You heard me correctly — NO processed foods.  My eyes nearly crossed.  But as I thought back on her comments during the rest of the day, I began to wonder if I could manage such a spartan program (compared to my current, fairly liberal dietary plan).  So I decided to challenge myself, and I am here and now inviting you to give it the old college try with me.  Ready?  Here goes!

Can you eat one meal a day (JUST ONE!) that includes only fresh vegetables, fruits, and meat or fish from the freshly packaged butcher’s case (not frozen or canned)?  I bet you can.  And I’m willing to bet that it won’t be as hard as you think it will.

processed_foodSpecifics:  Eat only from the fresh produce and fresh meat/fish departments.  You won’t even have to read labels for those items because there won’t be any.  (Maybe there is an upside to this!)  You may include packaged beans or grains as long as the label ingredient is only the item in question.  Dress salads with olive oil, vinegar, herbs, and spices.  Do not use sugar or other condiments (they contain preservatives and tons of sodium).

Care to give it a try?  I’m going to.  Wish me luck!


            Marilyn Schletzer owns FLYING MONKEYS FITNESS TO GO, which offers in-home personal training for individuals and groups. Contact her at marizona2@cox.net, (480) 216-5367, or www.eatstreetusa.blogspot.com




Author: Marilyn Burnett

Marilyn Schletzer owns FLYING MONKEYS FITNESS TO GO, which offers in-home personal training for individuals and groups. Contact her at marizona2@cox.net, (480) 216-5367, or www.eatstreetusa.blogspot.com.

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