Special Artist Presentations, Tuesday, October 9th, 2 p.m.
Why is it that few, if any, mature artists are willing to produce a self portrait? Such paintings certainly are a departure from desert sunsets, cacti and cowboys as the subject matter.
To help answer the question, Head Librarian Erin Riley, Head Librarian, City of Scottsdale Library Sysem, has invited nine artists for a presentation to the public, at the library. Each artist will discuss their individual approach to using mixed media techniques on their portraits. This presentation will be free to the public on Tuesday, October 9th at 2:00 P.M. The paintings will be exhibited for the entire month.
The exhibit is being arranged and coordinated by Erin Riley, Head Librarian of the city of Scottsdale and Roberta Kritzia, art instructor from Cave Creek. For information, contact Roberta Kritzia, roberta1119@aol.com or (480) 907-7436
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