GPPA e-Peak Alert, Greasewood Flat Planning Hearing on Wed., Sep. 10th

GREASEWOOD_ENTRANCE1This Wednesday: Opportunity to Learn and Speak Out By Bob Cappel
Sep. 9, 2014

There has been significant interest in proposed projects related to Greasewood Flat and Pinnacle Peak Patio.  This is a reminder that the first City of Scottsdale Planning Commission hearing  on the 4 major General Plan Amendment cases will be this Wednesday, September 10th, at 5 p.m. in the the Copper Ridge School cafeteria, 10101 E. Thompson Peak Parkway, Scottsdale.

No decisions or recommendations will be made at this meeting, however, you will be allowed to speak to the commission about;any or all of these amendments. This is your first opportunity to express your feelings and have them recorded in the public record. The four cases are:

     * Pinnacle Peak Patio (2-GP-2014): Request to change the land use designation from Commercial to Suburban Neighborhoods on roughly 11 acres north of the Jomax Road and Pinnacle Peak Parkway intersection.

* El Regalo (3-GP-2014): Request to change the land use designation from Commercial to Suburban Neighborhoods on roughly 6 acres north of the northeast corner of Scottsdale

Road and Westland Drive.

* Cavalliere Flat (4-GP)2014): Request to change the land use designation from Commercial and Rural Neighborhoods to Rural Neighborhoods and Suburban Neighborhoods on roughly 46 acres on the southeast corner of Alma School Parkway and Pinnacle Vista Drive.

*Greasewood Flat (5-GP-2014): Request to change the land use designation from Rural Neighborhoods and Natural Open Space to Cultural/Institutional and Public Use on about a 10-acre site on the northwest corner of the East Mariposa Grande Drive and 134th  Street alignments.

These projects are defined as a Major General Plan Amendments per the 2001 Scottsdale General Plan Major Amendment criteria. Arizona requires one City Council hearing be designated each calendar year to consider all Major General Plan Amendment applications. In addition, there will anotherPlanning Commission hearing in September and October before the cases go before the City Council in December.


Information About Major General Plan Amendments 


You wll find articles related to these evolving projects, including a schedule of upcoming city meetings at the link below; dates change so check back.



Author: The Peak

The Peak was originally printed and distributed in 1983 by the Greater Pinnacle Peak Association (GPPA) as a six-page neighborhood newsletter for the hundred or so residents who lived in the Pinnacle Peak area of Scottsdale, Arizona. Today, GPPA publishes an expanded online version for tens of thousands of readers as a free community service serving Scottsdale and neighborhing communities.

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