Emma’s Ex by J. Douglas Hinds

November 30, 2017

Emma’s Ex

By J. Douglas Hinds


I was sittin’ in the kitchen
Half starin’ at my cup
Emma was makin’ biscuits
When the subject just came up


What happen to your husband
I asked her right out straight
He left for Colorado she said
He hated this here state


Emma must be sixty
Or maybe sixty five
She spends her time a cookin’
And just keeping us alive


As she salted her chicken gravy
I heard her softly sigh
He had some nasty habits she said
For a Texas kind of guy


I didn’t like his drinkin’
Or the way he wouldn’t shave
He took too much for granted
Likin’ I was just his slave


But one thing really got me
Bout that ornery, cussed man
He wore his boots and spurs to bed
That’s one thing I couldn’t stand


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Author: John Hinds

John Douglas Hinds, who was raised on a ranch, is the retired senior partner with J.D. Hinds Professional Painting LLC. As a licensed residential and commercial painting contractor, he has painted “thousands of homes and businesses” in the Valley over the past 33 years. Hinds is a resident of Cave Creek and a frequent contributor to The Peak.

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