Desert Gold – Finches That Is

December 15, 2018

Article and Photographs by Tom Mangelsdorf’

One of the most colorful birds that are native to our Greater Pinnacle Peak area is the beautiful Lesser Goldfinch. They are generally found foraging for seeds and sometimes small insects in trees and shrubs. They’re fast fliers and can cling to any small branch at just about any angle.

These bright yellow birds love thistle and they’ll find it just about any place you put it. If you want to bring a little color to your back yard, visit a pet store (and most grocery stores) and pick up a couple of “thistle socks”. These are nylon mesh type netting fashioned into about a foot-long sock filled with thistle. Hang one or two in your yard for a few days and you’ll soon have Goldfinches clinging to them throughout the day.

It’s also a great way to practice your photography skills! The photographs accompanying this article were all taken in my back yard. So, pull out your camera and start capturing your own photographs of these colorful birds.  For more photographs, visit

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Author: Tom Mangelsdorf

Tom Mangelsdorf is a long-time resident of north Scottsdale. Tom is a frequent contributor to A Peek at the Peak. Tom is usually among the winners of The Peak's annual Summer Fun Photography Contest.

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