Putting CARES Act funding to work: Scottsdale’s Brown Bag Program

Putting CARES Act funding to work: Scottsdale’s Brown Bag Program

Courtesy City of Scottsdale How the city is putting CARES Act funding to work:  Highlight: Senior Services “Brown Bag Program” The dark, calm early Thursday morning is a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle taking place inside the brightly lit city of Scottsdale Granite Reef Senior Center. Human Services Representative Kevin Herrick is helping Desert Mission and the Salvation Army unload delivered food targeted for the city’s Brown...

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SCC: “Live Online” Teacher in Residence Training Speeds Students into Jobs

SCC: “Live Online” Teacher in Residence Training Speeds Students into Jobs

December 1, 2020 Courtesy Scottsdale Community College Scottsdale Community College Offers “Live Online” Teacher in Residence Training to Fast Track Students into Jobs Nearly 2,000 teacher jobs are vacant in Arizona right now. In fact, according to the Arizona School Personnel Administrators Association, about 28 percent of teacher vacancies across the state this year remain unfilled, while half of the vacancies are filled by teachers...

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Scottsdale Airport and Airpark Under Construction

Scottsdale Airport and Airpark Under Construction

December 4, 2020 Direct Construction Costs Exceed $92 Million An adage goes, “If there isn’t construction happening on an airport, then something is not right.” True to the saying, Scottsdale Airport is adding footing as one of the top business aviation facilities in the nation with a groundswell of construction projects boasting direct construction costs of more than $92 million. City projects amounted to $37 million of this portion,...

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Register Now: Free Scottsdale Small Business Training Series

Register Now: Free Scottsdale Small Business Training Series

December 4, 2020 Free Scottsdale Business Training and Technical Assistance Programs-Registration Open Click below for more information. Scottsdale Economic Development Announcement

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The Rescue

The Rescue

By Rick Smith At first sight we were instantly alarmed. “Oh, no,” my wife expressed with subdued panic. There, in the middle of a busy neighborhood street, was a lost dog, and he was obviously confused and uncertain. Wandering in and out of the two lanes of traffic, cars and trucks stopped from both directions to yield. “Oh, my God, he’s going to get hit,” my wife foresaw as her panic-tone went up a...

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Holland Community Center Gift Guide

Holland Community Center Gift Guide

November 30, 2020 Click below to review programs and classes that are being offered at the Holland Center.   Newsletter   The Peak Welcomes Your Comment Ths e Peak invites you to share your thoughts about this article by using the “Submit a Comment” box at the bottom of this page. All comments are reviewed based on The Peak’s Comment Policy prior to publishing. GPPA Membership Make a Donation to GPPA Peak...

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Desert Les At Large: Did Superspreading Cause Thanksgiving?

Desert Les At Large: Did Superspreading Cause Thanksgiving?

November 2020 By Les Conklin   Yup. It’s good to see you again. Desert Les is back. Not because them Peak readers demanded it but because the fool editor told Desert Les to fill this here white space with interestin’ doings and seeings. Desert Les has been following orders and hunkerin’ down in the family bunkhouse.  That dang virus can’t find us here. Nope. , Desert Lea and Desert Judy were watching cable news. A...

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CCUSD: Dr. Cort Monroe Selected as Next Superintendent

CCUSD: Dr. Cort Monroe Selected as Next Superintendent

  Cave Creek Governing Board selects Dr. Cort Monroe as next Superintendent. The Cave Creek Unified School District Governing Board has selected Dr. Cort Monroe, the assistant superintendent of Student Support Services for the Queen Creek Unified School District, to serve as superintendent beginning January 1, 2021 and voted to approve Dr. Monroe’s contract at its November 16, 2020 board meeting.  The search was conducted...

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AZ Game & Fish News: Cranes Return to AZ – Live Stream Camera

AZ Game & Fish News: Cranes Return to AZ – Live Stream Camera

November 14, 20209 Courtesy Arizona Game & Fish Department Sandhill cranes by the thousands have once again returned to their wintering grounds at the Whitewater Draw Wildlife Area in southeastern Arizona. For the next few months, viewers can observe almost 20,000 of these fascinating birds on a live-streaming camera installed by the Arizona Game and Fish Department. Click below to view newsletter.. AZ Game and Fish News  ...

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AZ Game & Fish News: Maps Show Big-Game Migrations in West

AZ Game & Fish News: Maps Show Big-Game Migrations in West

November 16, 20209 Courtesy Arizona Game & Fish  Department New maps document big-game migrations across the western United States AZGFD participates in multi-partner project For the first time, state and federal wildlife biologists have come together to map the migrations of ungulates – hooved mammals such as mule deer, elk, pronghorn, moose and bison – across America’s West. The maps will help land managers and conservationists...

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