More Sonoran Summer Skies

More Sonoran Summer Skies

Photographs by Howard Myers Every year we can count on north Scottsdale resident Howard Myers to provide several collections of beautiful outdoor photographs. Thankfully, this year is no different. We invite you to share your thoughts about this article by using the “Submit a Comment” box at the bottom of this page. Your email address will not be published. All comments are reviewed based on The Peak’s Comment Policy...

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See Photo Contest Winners

See Photo Contest Winners

Congratulations to the winners of The Peak’s 12th annual Summer Fun Tony Nelssen Photography Contest Thank you to all the entrants for supporting the contest.  You can see all the entries, enjoy a casual dinner, and cast your vote for the coveted Diners’ Choice Award at The Peak’s Summer Fun on Display event at the Summit Diner in north Scottsdale on Saturday, September 6, 6 p.m. And the winners are: Landscapes...

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Walking in Beauty in the Ancient City of Machu Picchu

Walking in Beauty in the Ancient City of Machu Picchu

By Glen B. Jenks Buried deep in the Andes Mountains of Peru is one of the best known and least understood of the cities of the ancient world.  In 1911 when this city was first discovered it was believed to be the ancient lost city of the Incas called, Vilcabamba.  It was built around 1450 to hold approximately 1000 people.  It eventually became clear that what had been discovered was not Vilcabamba, but the city of Machu Picchu. a...

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Walking in Beauty: North Rim, Grand Canyon

Walking in Beauty: North Rim, Grand Canyon

By Glenn B. Jenks The Grand Canyon is without a doubt one of, if not the, most visited site in the State of Arizona. Whenever I am there I hear the symphony of foreign languages as people stand in awe of this majestic piece of nature. I am surprised, however, at the number of native Arizonans who have never been to the Canyon. In fact, I am the father of one such person. It isn’t that these people don’t want to see it. It is just...

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Walking in Beauty: Reflections

Walking in Beauty: Reflections

 By Glen B. Jenks  Anything that is beautiful becomes twice as beautiful when we see it reflected off of some clear, shiny surface. Actually, reflections are all around us most of the time, but we only pay attention to a small fraction of them. Reflections can be found in many places in addition to the obvious places, like mirrors or water. They can be found in the sunglasses of a friend you are talking to, on the wall of a building...

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Walking in Beauty: Captured by Beauty

Walking in Beauty: Captured by Beauty

Walking in Beauty By Glenn B. Jenks Most of the photographs I take are carefully thought out before the shutter button is snapped. The light must be right the background must be acceptable and the camera settings. the aperture, ISO, and shutter speed have to be right to get the effects I want. The photographers’ mantra is “MAKE photographs, don’t just take photographs”. But every photographer has had the experience of having beauty...

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Photos: Spring Flowers, Road to Bartlett Views #1

Photos: Spring Flowers, Road to Bartlett Views #1

Howard Myers, the winner of The Peak’s 2014 Summer Fun Photography Contest, has been a frequent contributor of beautiful photographs of local scenery and flowers since the 1990s. Once again, Howard has submitted a bumper crop of Sonoran spring blooms and The Peak looks forward to publishing more of the photographs during the month of May.  Editor                Check The Peak’s Photos...

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Walking in Beauty: Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum

Walking in Beauty: Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum

By Glenn B. Jenks The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum (“ASDM”)is one of the most beautiful treasures that we have available to help us better experience and learn about the Sonoran desert. It is located in the west branch of Saguaro National Monument, west of Tucson. The ASDM displays every form of life that inhabits the Sonoran Desert, from the smallest insect to Mountain Lions and Mexican Wolves. There are even exhibits of the geology...

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Walking in Beauty: Faces

Walking in Beauty: Faces

By Glenn B. Jenks As a photographer one of the subjects that always fascinates me is people’s FACES. As I get around I have the opportunity to photograph many people. Sometimes I ask people to pose for me, and sometimes I take people’s portraits and sometimes I take candid photographs. Every person is beautiful in his/her own way. And there are people whose faces have a quality that somehow suggests that they have a life story that...

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Walking in Beauty: Carnival

Walking in Beauty: Carnival

  By Glenn B. Jenks The celebration of Mardi Gras, in some French-speaking parts of the world, and Carnival, in Spanish-speaking areas is one of the most colorful and beautiful experiences of the year.  In 2008, I was in Ecuador and Peru during the celebration of Carnival. In Quito, the capital city of Ecuador, street dancers dressed in clown costumes would appear seemingly from nowhere. They put on a show for free that lifted...

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