Write Stuff: Russian Visitors and Large Animals

Write Stuff: Russian Visitors and Large Animals

June 11, 2017 Editorial Note: Since Russia is very much in the news and the 2017 Summer Fun Write Stuff Contest is underway, this seems like a perfect time to bring back this creative contribution by John Thompson of Carefree. In the June 2005 issue of A Peek at the Peak (The Peak), we announced the winners of our “The Write Stuff Challenge: The Tall Story.” Contestants were required to write a story that was filled with...

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Scottsdale: Prepare for Monsoon Season, Sandbags Available

Scottsdale: Prepare for Monsoon Season, Sandbags Available

July 13, 2017 Courtesy City of Scottsdale Sandbags available for residents as part of monsoon preparedness Summer monsoon storms can develop rapidly and cause severe localized winds and flooding. Be prepared. The city offers a variety of safety tips and resources. If your property is at risk for flooding, the city is offering free sandbags. Both sand and bags are available 24 hours a day for Scottsdale residents on a first-come,...

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Digital Dilemma

Digital Dilemma

July 13, 2017 By Rick Smith “If the problem is yours, not ours,” stated the courteous technical support specialist, “there will be a $75 charge.” But I was sure the problem wasn’t our problem. I’d checked every connection thoroughly, I’d rebooted and followed all the recorded prompts before being transferred to my live person assistant. So, why was I still doubting myself? “You can...

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Video: Western Screech Owls & Nestlings – Part II, Updated June 22

Video: Western Screech Owls & Nestlings – Part II, Updated June 22

May 29, 2017 Courtesy of Laurel Strohmeyer Editorial Note. If you watched the video of owl hatching on Easter Day, these are follow-ups that Laurel has generously contributed. Enjoy. Les   Update: June 23, 2017 Here is a little update. All three of the little Western Screech Owls are doing fine and are pretty entertaining to watch. This 3 minute video takes you from when they left the nest up until yesterday. Enjoy! Laurel...

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Sneak Peeks: RATS!

Sneak Peeks: RATS!

June 29, 2017 By Les Conklin Are you poisoning rats and killing our wildlife? Guess what? When you use poison to get rid of roof rats, pack rats, mice and other rodent pests, each poisoning “success” is likely delivering death sentences to hawks, owls, bobcats and other local wildlife. At a recent GPPA board meeting, a board member mentioned that devices that use rat poison were being sold door-to-door in our area.”...

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Vineyard View Blog: Perfect Valley of the Sun Summer Wear

Vineyard View Blog: Perfect Valley of the Sun Summer Wear

June 12, 2017 Ladies, Did you ever go out in the summer sun and forget your hat? “Problem solved” with this designer dress. The Peak  Dancing at W.N.B.A. Center Court The Peak thanks Al DeVito of Vineyard Views Blog for another insightful post. The Peak Welcomes Your Comment The Peak invites you to share your thoughts about this article by using the “Submit a Comment” box at the bottom of this page. All...

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