Roja. How a simple act of kindness changed a life.

Roja. How a simple act of kindness changed a life.

By William Leroy “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Aesop (620 BC – 560 BC), The Lion and the Mouse Prologue I have been blessed with many opportunities over the years. When I consider them all, I have to say that one stands out from all the rest. It has been the opportunity to support the work of Wild At Heart as a volunteer. Like many life changing experiences, I had no idea that working as a wildlife...

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One Mile From Home: Chilling Test Results

One Mile From Home: Chilling Test Results

One Mile From Home  ™ By Gary Zalimeni  One Mile from Home: Beginnings  (Part One), Published March 2015 (Provides links to all previously published One Mile from Home Articles. Part THREE:  Chilling Test Results Two days after my neighbor told me about his possible radiation exposure, I attended the Ashtabula city council meeting, I was determined to make my inquiry. My chance finally came; “are any of you aware of a facility in this...

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Scottsdale: “Learn How Cool Roofs Reduce Energy, Help Environment”

Scottsdale: “Learn How Cool Roofs Reduce Energy, Help Environment”

City of Scottsdale NEWS RELEASE April 20, 2015 Contact: Green Building Program Manager Anthony Floyd, 480-312-4202, Learn how “cool” roofs reduce energy use, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions  Are you considering replacing your roof in the near future? If so, think about installing a “cool” roof. Cool roofs reduce energy use, ambient air temperature, air pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions, and...

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The Hawk That Didn’t Survive Super Bowl Sunday

The Hawk That Didn’t Survive Super Bowl Sunday

By William Leroy I live in the Rio Verde Foothills and we are blessed to enjoy a very connected, supportive community. Most locals still wave when you drive by and we are quick to jump and help a neighbor in trouble, whether it is a lost horse, dog or grading the neighborhood road after a rain. On Super bowl Sunday the power in our neighborhood flickered on and off for about three or four seconds. Obviously, our local bulletin board...

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One Mile from Home: Discovery

One Mile from Home: Discovery

 One Mile from Home ™ By Gary Zalimeni  One Mile from Home: Beginnings  (Part One), Published March 2015 (Provides links to all previously published One Mile from Home Articles. Part TWO. Discovery In the early 1950’s several large chemical companies did a nationwide study to determine the most ideal location for their future factory sites. The result of their study sealed the fate of Ashtabula’s future. Their study indicated that...

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One Mile from Home: Beginnings

One Mile from Home: Beginnings

One Mile from Home ™ One Mile from Home, Part Two: Discovery – Published 03/29/2015 One Mile from Home, Part Three: Chilling Test Results – Published 04/29/2015 One Mile from Home, Part Four: Casualties – Published 05/30/2015 One Mile from Home, Part Five: Conclusion & Lessons Learned – Published 06/14/2015 By Gary Zalimeni To sum up my story with just one paragraph would be impossible. It would be an...

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Scottsdale, Phoenix, GPPA: Oppose House Bill 2570!

Scottsdale, Phoenix, GPPA: Oppose House Bill 2570!

Courtesy of the City of Scottsdale Dear Scottsdale Citizens, We want to make sure you were aware of new legislation under consideration at the State Legislature.  House Bill 2570 (attached), would forever change Scottsdale’s ability to preserve and salvage native desert plants when new development occurs.  It would also prohibit requirements for specific plants to be used in development projects – opening the door to the introduction...

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Rattlesnakes and Lyme Disease

Rattlesnakes and Lyme Disease

By William LeRoy Nature is based upon intelligent design. This means that all living things have a role to play in the environment. It is a simple and unalterable fact, that if you remove one naturally occurring element (animal) from a functioning eco system, other elements (animals) will misalign, and very often to the determent of the entire system. Take the rattlesnake for example. Rodents often carry ticks which, in turn, carry...

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On The Wild Side: The Northern Harrier, Truly One of a  Kind

On The Wild Side: The Northern Harrier, Truly One of a Kind

By William LeRoy It is truly a privilege to live in Arizona. Arizona’s contrasting habitats make Arizona one of the most exciting regions to observe raptors in North America, with more raptor species living in and visiting our state than any other state in the U.S. Because northern harriers winter in Southern Arizona, snowbirds and those of us who are full time residents have the opportunity to see one the most...

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On the Wild Side: The Fastest Bird in Town

On the Wild Side: The Fastest Bird in Town

By William Leroy I was just about home the other day when I witnessed a dark shape descending at high speed toward a quail that was moving across the road directly in front of me. The hapless quail disappeared in a cloud of dust and feathers as a peregrine falcon emerged from the chaos and leaped back into the sky. Clocked at speeds of up to 220 miles per hour, peregrine falcons are said to be the fastest birds on earth and...

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