THE McDowell Sonoran Land Trust  by Jane Rau

THE McDowell Sonoran Land Trust by Jane Rau

May 16, 2014 Prologue. We are proud to say that in the 90s, Jane Rau served on the board of directors and as president of The Greater Pinnacle Peak Homeowners Association, which later became the  GrFeater Pinnacle Peak Association, the nonprofit that publishes A Peek at the Peak magazine and this blog (see Note). In the articles below, Jane was updating readers of The Peak magazine about the status of the fledgling land trust. The...

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Body Buddies

Body Buddies

By Marilyn Schletzer Do you want to age imperceptibly, have younger looking skin, enjoy endless energy, and live to be 200?  Okay, maybe not the 200 part, but if you aspire to any of the other goals, these foods could help you along the way. 1. Blueberries might help long- and short-term memory. 2. The skin of red grapes contains resveratrol, an anti-inflammatory that may help protect against UV radiation and, ultimately, skin cancer....

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Pinnacle Peak History and Summer Fun Photos at Desert Foothills Library

Pinnacle Peak History and Summer Fun Photos at Desert Foothills Library

Courtesy of GPPA On Tuesday, August 5th from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., Les Conklin, the editor of The Peak magazine a will present the best photographs of landscapes, wildlife, landscapes, and local people entered in The Peak’s Summer Fun Photography Contest, which ends on July 31st (still time to enter). Winners of the Summer Fun Write Stuff Contest, which also ends on the 31st of July, will also be announced. Les will also use...

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11th Annual Summer Fun Photo Contest

11th Annual Summer Fun Photo Contest

 2014 Summer Fun Tony Nelssen Photography Contest  Get Published, Prizes, and Recognition    ABOUT THE 2014 CONTEST It’s time to turn up the fun, spur creativity, and accelerate generosity. Again this year, our summer’s fun is delivered in the form of the Tony Nelssen Photography contest. The contest is easy to enter, and there is no entry fee. The deadline for entering is July 31, 2014. There are a several ways to win, as...

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11 Annual Summer Fun Write Stuff Contest

11 Annual Summer Fun Write Stuff Contest

11th Annual Summer Fun Write Stuff Contest Get Published, Prizes, and Recognition ABOUT THE 2014 CONTEST It’s time to turn up the fun, spur creativity, and accelerate generosity. Again this year, our summer’s fun is delivered in the form of the our Write Stuff contest. The contest is easy to enter, and there is no entry fee. The deadline for entering is July 31, 2014. This year there are more chances to win,...

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Why Practice Yoga?

Why Practice Yoga?

Why practice yoga? Here’s why! Ten benefits: improved breathing stress relief relief from pain increased flexibility greater strength weight management enhanced circulation cardiovascular conditioning inner peace calmness. More than anything, yoga makes you feel better and it’s effects are almost immediate.  But, breathing is the key. Yoga helps you breathe deeply and fully.  Combining yoga postures with the breath...

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Announcing The Artists’ Loft

Announcing The Artists’ Loft

By Natalie Keller The Artists’ Loft will be a monthly featured article in which I will investigate different art techniques and venues with accompanying interviews when appropriate. I will be doing what I love best…learning more about art and hopefully passing on some “tid bits” of knowledge to other artists and art lovers. You may recognize my name since I wrote articles on psychology for the Peak at the Peak for...

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Dog Daze

Dog Daze

Dog Daze By Tootsie In some of my past articles, I’ve told you about the hassles that I have with my Mom when we go for walks. She thinks I need to be beside her and I want to be out front, way out front. She complains that her arms get tired (can you say “needs to work out?”). One morning, we passed a man walking two big dogs on the other side of the street. I guess I went bonkers, acting like I was on a bungee cord.  I...

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No More New Year’s Resolutions

No More New Year’s Resolutions

No More New Year’s Resolutions! By Marilyn Schletzer When 2014 gets here, I’m not making a New Year’s resolution.  Not a single one.  Why?  Because my annual resolution typically looks something like this:  I’m going to work out for two hours every single day, even if I’m near death, I’m going to drink nothing but water and eat more protein, more fish, more vegetables, more fruit, more fiber, less fat, less sugar, and not so...

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They Protected Pinnacle Peak and More! – Part 3

They Protected Pinnacle Peak and More! – Part 3

They Protected Pinnacle Peak and More! – Continued Published A Peek at the Peak magazine, September 2006 By Les Conklin Part Three Starts Here Immediate Challenges There were two problems that drew GPPHA’s immediate attention. A resident had purchasedseveral parcels adjacent to one of Nelson’s neighborhoods and wanted to up zone from one house per acre to four houses per acre. GPPHA members circulated a petition, and the move...

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