Thank You, Pinnacle Peak Patio! – Part 1 of 3
Introduction On June 28, 2015 Pinnacle Peak Patio will close its doors and not open them again. As a tribute to a special place and a special time, we are publishing an article that describes the early history of Pinnacle Peak Patio. This is the first of three parts. See “Related Articles,” following this part, for links to the other two parts. Time flies when you’re having fun and Pinnacle Peak Patio has...
Invitation to GPPA’s Summit of Summer Fun, Sat. Sept. 9th, 6 PM
BE PART OF GPPA’s SPECIAL COMMUNITY EVENING! Please mark September 9th, 6 PM on your calendar . This event is for you and your friends. Everyone enjoyed the first three renditions of this event so we’re doing it again, but with more enjoyment and recognition. You’ll enjoy a casual meal while watching images of our beautiful community, applauding the winners of The Peak’s Summer Fun Contests and the...
The Artists’ Loft: Judith Rothenstein-Putzer
By Natalie Keller I was talking with an artist yesterday at the el Pedregal gallery who has an abundance of vitality and creativity. She stated she has been an artist since she was a child watching her mother being creative at home and being encouraged to do likewise. Creativity rubs “off on” children and Judith Rothenstein-Putzer comes from a very creative family! Her mother was what Judy called “crafty” and her father was a diamond...
Smaller Portions, Bigger World
By Marilyn Schletzer Here we are again, thigh-deep in a frenzy of pre-summer shaping up or trying desperately to maintain our new figures after finally losing those holiday hips. Are you finding either one challenging? If so, here’s a little tip that may come in handy the next time you’re dining out: NEVER EAT ANYTHING BIGGER THAN YOUR HEAD. Honestly, what is up with portion sizes at restaurants these days? Chances...
The Sport Of Golf Leads To Lifelong Friends
The Sport Of Golf Leads To Lifelong Friends By Dave Wells I think most golfers realize that the folks who you share your golf games can become close friends forever. I met an NBA Hall of Famer back in the 80s, when he became a spokesman for one of Schering-Plough’s product brands. You might remember, “Dr. J Prescribes Dr. Scholl Foot Products.” It was a very creative advertisement. Little did I know that the meeting...
Music for Smarties: A “Hi!” Note from MIM
 By Desert Les Howdie Parder. Since I’m sure that someone has already written “Music for Dummies,” Desert Les is writing “Music for Smarties.” It’s for people like you. Yup. Below is a press release from the folks at the Musical Instrument Museum. The release describes a smart new program that makes it easy for you and your family to enjoy and learn about the...
Garage Door Ghost
By Rick Smith, It was a familiar sound – that muffled growling noise off in the distance. Then came the startled look on my wife’s face as she exclaimed with a tone of alarm, “Rick, that’s our garage door opening!” “What?” I momentarily debated before jumping up from my chair and dashing to the garage access through the kitchen. Sure enough, the garage door was finishing its opening cycle. I...
Hikers Log 21,538.6 Miles
By Mike Conklin Maricopa County Park & Recreation officials told everyone to take a hike last winter. The response? Participants in the “100 Miles in 100 Days Challenge” logged 21, 538.6 miles, almost enough to circle the globe. Started in 2012 to commemorate Arizona’s centennial, the program has grown to reach record numbers and already started everyone thinking about next winter. This latest Challenge saw 163 hikers...
Seven Short Stories Featuring My Friend “Doc,” Story #7
Muy Feo By Dave Wells Even though Dave Wells took two years of Spanish in high school, he was pretty much limited in his Spanish speaking ability, counting to ten and a few other words. It all changed when Doc introduced him to “MUY FEO.” One evening at Greasewood Flat, Dave was having a beer, served by speedy Mary Starke, with Doc and Anticoleta. The door swung open and inside walked a young lady. Everyone turned to see...
Seven Short Stories Featuring My Friend “Doc,” Story #6
Docos Tacos By Dave Wells Remember the creation of Docos Tacos, the specially prepared Mexican food by a nice man named “Eddie.” Eddie’s stand was directly to the left as you entered Greasewood Flat – a waiting line was ever-present, and the food was great. Nancy and Dave Wells were sitting at one of the famous Greasewood fires made by no other than Stan Carkin, the Mayor of Greasewood Flat. The fire was close...
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