March 2018
Courtesy Cave Creek Unified School District

Christine Marsh
Cactus Shadows High School’s Christine Marsh wins One of Two Lopes for Literacy Grants
Cactus Shadows High School is pleased to announce that Christine Marsh, CSHS English Honors/IB Teacher and 2016 Arizona Teacher of the Year, has been awarded one of two Lopes for Literacy Grants.
Alpha Epsilon Gamma (the College of Education’s chapter of Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education) awarded two Lopes for Literacy grants to leaders in education who effectively integrate literacy across all disciplines in a culturally inclusive manner. The award was open to COE alumni, Strategic Educational Alliances participant educators and COE faculty.
Christine has won a $150 grant each semester and one-year free membership to KDP. She will be a special guest and accept her award at the Alpha Epsilon Gamma induction ceremonies. Her entry will be featured on COE’s LopesTeachUp and Teaching in Purple.
CSHS principal, Dr. Steve Bebee, said, “Ms. Marsh is an outstanding English Language Arts (ELA) teacher who always pushes her students to be the best that they can be in her classroom. Her dedication to her content and her desire for her students to increase their own literacy to be able to explain the world they live in is evident anytime you visit her classroom. We are very blessed to have such a passionate educator on our campus. Thank you GCU for recognizing the talents Ms. Marsh possesses. LOPES UP!”
Christine submitted a YouTube video of students’ work illustrating culturally inclusive literacy; instructional strategies culturally relevant to the content; and responding to the prompt: How do you promote literacy and cultural responsiveness with your colleagues, so the ideas and pedagogical application are spread throughout the grade level, department and school?
For more information on Cactus Shadows High School, an A+ School of Excellence and a World Class High School for the 21st Century, contact Dr. Steve Bebee at or by calling 480-575-2401.
Julia Scotto
Executive Assistant to
Dr. Debbi Burdick, Superintendent & Governing Board
Cave Creek Unified School District
480.575.2016 Phone/480.575.2092 Fax
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