Book Review: A Life Before … Thrills Here and Now!

By Les Conklin

 “What to read next?” was the question that I was asking myself.  I was between books, feeling it was time for a change of pace.  

I remembered an article that I had written for The Peak about  Julien Ayotte. After retiring from a successful business career, Ayotte had written three novels that had received a number of awards.  I searched The Peak  and found the article, “VIP Dr. Julien ‘Butch’ Ayotte Recipient of The Peak Award.” His three books are Dangerous Blood Lines, Flower of Heaven, and A Life Before. The writing awards Ayotte’s books have won so far are Indie Book of the Day Award, 2013 New York Book Festival Award, 2014 New England Book Festival Award, and the 2014 Eric Hoffer Book Award.

Next, I visited Amazon and researched the books. Normally, I read nonfiction offerings, with a preference for history, anthropology, and autobiographies. I learned Ayotte’s books are fiction, suspense thrillers. Not my first reading choice.

“Why not?” I thought to myself, “It will only cost a few dollars and a little time to check out one of the books.”  I bought and downloaded “A Life Before” to my Kindle.  After finishing the book in several sittings, I was back on writing a five-star review for “A Life Before” and ordering Ayotte’s other two books.


In Boston for the first time, Samantha Collins begins giving her bewildered father driving directions from memory without the assistance of GPS, maps, or notes. “… I can’t put my finger on it, Dad. I just know I’ve been here before.”

Like me, I expect many Peak readers have had de ja vu experiences; the sense that something that is happening now, has happened before. It was the recollection of those experiences that led me to press Amazon’s “Buy Now” for “A Life Before.”

In “A Life Before,” child Samantha Collins has recurring nightmares about an “imagined” violent assault. Residents of luxury condominium die of cancer caused by radon poisoning and a paralegal involved in the investigation is almost killed in an car crash. Ayotte weaves these story lines into  a well-paced thriller that I had trouble turning off. On top of that, the book’s epilogue is an absolute masterpiece that had me saying “WOW!” to an empty room.

I’ve since finished reading Flowers from Heaven and its sequel, DangerousInfo Blood Lines. The plots are very difference from that of “A Life Before” but I enjoyed reading them just as much.

Ayotte is working on a new book and has plans for more. At  70+, he has found a new passion. His foremost competitor and motivator is the biological clock. He hopes that his books will result in at least one movie and he is working to that end.

In closing, don’t take my word or “WOW!” for it. Take a flyer and visit Amazon. When I last did that, “A Life Before” had a rating of 4.8 out of 5.0.  Personally, I’m pleased my fraternity brothers in Rhode Island decided to give Ayotte The Peak Award and me three great reading experiences, and the expectation that more are on the way.

Book Information

Title: A Life Before
Author: Julien Ayotte
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 9781523417605
Available: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Author’s website

Related Websites

Author’s Website,  Website
Amazon,   Website
Barnes & Noble,  Website

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Author: Les Conklin

Les Conklin is a resident of north Scottsdale He founded Friends of the Scenic Drive, the Monte de Paz HOA and is the president of the Greater Pinnacle Peak Association. He was named to Scottsdale's History Maker Hall of Fame in 2014. Les is a past editor of A Peek at the Peak and the author of Images of America: Pinnacle Peak. He served on the Scottsdale's Pride Commission, McDowell Sonoran Preserve Commission, the boards of several local nonprofits and was a founding organizer of the city's Adopt-A-Road Program.. Les is a volunteer guide at the Musical Instrument Museum.

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1 Comment

  1. I am sp pleased that Les Conklin enjoyed reading my three award-winning novels, A Life Before, Flower of Heaven, and Dangerous Bloodlines. It has always been my goal to entice readers into a good read. To this end I am committed. Julien ayotte, author.

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