On the Wild Side: Sharing the Desert with Raptors

On the Wild Side: Sharing the Desert with Raptors

Updated June 29, 2017 By David LeRoy I live in the Rio Verde Foothills and we are blessed to be surrounded by the very best wildlife that the Sonoran Desert has to offer. As a matter of fact, Arizona is home to and visited by more species of raptors that any other state in the United States. While many full time residents have learned a little something about our various species of eagles, hawks, falcons and owls, there are still many...

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The Golden Eagle, King of the Raptors

The Golden Eagle, King of the Raptors

By William Leroy for Wild At Heart Of all the states, Arizona is home to the largest number of species of birds in the U.S. These birds can vary from residents, that stay all year around, to breeding birds, that spend a good part of the growing season in Arizona to raise their young, migrants who pass through Arizona with the seasons, to wintering birds who like to spend a good part of the winter in Arizona to escape colder conditions...

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On The Wild Side: The Raven Steals the Sun

On The Wild Side: The Raven Steals the Sun

By William Leroy The word “Raven” is the common name given to the largest species of passerine birds in the genus Corvus. Corvids are also commonly referred to as “Crows”. In most of Europe and North America, Raven is used as a synonym for the widespread common Raven, and much of the literature and culture surrounding Ravens refers to that species. Ravens are...

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On The Wild Side: The Lesser Nighthawk

On The Wild Side: The Lesser Nighthawk

Arizona’s Mystery Bird By William Leroy for Wild At Heart If you are lucky enough to be a full time Arizona resident, and spend any time outdoors in the summer evenings, then you have probally seen a Lesser Nighthawk on the wing. The Lesser Nighthawk, formerly known as the Texas or Trilling Nighthawk, is a little-studied, desert-dwelling bird of the Arizona Sonoran Desert, the American Southwest and Central and South...

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Roja. How a simple act of kindness changed a life.

Roja. How a simple act of kindness changed a life.

By William Leroy “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Aesop (620 BC – 560 BC), The Lion and the Mouse Prologue I have been blessed with many opportunities over the years. When I consider them all, I have to say that one stands out from all the rest. It has been the opportunity to support the work of Wild At Heart as a volunteer. Like many life changing experiences, I had no idea that working as a wildlife...

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