CCUSD: Girl Scout Troop Makes Presentation to Desert Sun Academy

CCUSD: Girl Scout Troop Makes Presentation to Desert Sun Academy

October, 2019 Courtesy Cave Creek Unified School District Cave Creek Girl Scout Troup 783 Present Buddy Bench to Desert Sun Academy Cave Creek’s Girl Scout Troup 783 presented a Buddy Bench to Desert Sun Academy this past month to complete their Girl Scout Bronze Award. The Bronze Award encourages Girl Scouts to work as a team on a project to make a difference in their community. The Buddy Bench is a simple idea to eliminate...

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“Wings Up” to Wild At Heart’s 28 Years of Life-Saving Rescues

“Wings Up” to Wild At Heart’s 28 Years of Life-Saving Rescues

September 31, 2019 Wild At Heart was founded by Bob and Sam Fox in 1991. This month The Peak is publishing two articles to mark the nonprofit’s 28th anniversary. The first article, which tells the organization’s founding story, was written by Wild At Heart volunteer, William LeRoy. The article, which was published in the September/October, 2010 issue of The Peak, has been edited to facilitate online reading. A follow-up article,...

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Thunderbird Artists Exhibition Featuring Jeanne Bonine Opens Oct. 10

Thunderbird Artists Exhibition Featuring Jeanne Bonine Opens Oct. 10

25-Year Breast Cancer Survivor Jeanne Bonine Shares Messages of Hope Through Beautiful Paintings and Prose  “Healed through Art…Blessed with Time” opens on Oct. 10 at Thunderbird Artists Gallery in Carefree By Sue Kern-Fleisher CAREFREE (September 25, 2019) – Twenty-five years ago, Jeanne Bonine was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer and given just six to 12 months to live. She was in the process of moving to Arizona from Minnesota...

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Chinese Sister School Students Visit Cactus Shadows H.S.

Chinese Sister School Students Visit Cactus Shadows H.S.

September 13, 2019 Article and Photos Courtesy Cave Creek Unified School District The wise philosopher Confucius said, “The journey of a million miles begins with a single step.” These initial steps were recently taken by twenty-eight (28) brave Chinese high school students from a sister school in Yichang, Hubei Province in China. The students made an inaugural trip to Cave Creek, Arizona on August 14-18, 2019 after spending a few...

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Former Paradise Valley Mayor For  Scottsdale Bond Ballot Questions

Former Paradise Valley Mayor For Scottsdale Bond Ballot Questions

September 30, 2019 Scottsdale Can Elevate Its Quality of Life Even More By Investing in Our Future By Vernon B. Parker I once had the honor of serving as the Mayor of Paradise Valley. There I opposed unnecessary government spending and new taxes that were not needed. Today, the Town is better off because of those efforts. Now, I proudly live in Scottsdale. Scottsdale’s fantastic quality of life is elevated by our wonderful amenities,...

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