Calories: Count on ’em! by Marilyn Schletzer

Calories: Count on ’em! by Marilyn Schletzer

I was browsing in the bakery section of the grocery store recently (oh, all right, I was ogling the key lime pies, but everyone in the world doesn’t have to know it) when I overheard two women at the counter ask for low-carb bagels.  When the clerk informed them that the bagels were sold out, the women shrieked.  I’m not kidding you, they actually shrieked.  The poor clerk dashed into the back to search for more bagels,...

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A Year of Walking

A Year of Walking

By Marilyn Schletzer What’s the one exercise that your body was designed for, that you were doing naturally by the time you were a year old, and that you can do even in your sleep?  Walking!  It may just be life’s most perfect physical activity.  You can do it anywhere, it doesn’t require fancy equipment, and you’ll probably be able to do it for many years to come, not to mention the fact that it burns calories, helps lower...

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My Favorite Word is SPATCHCOCK

My Favorite Word is SPATCHCOCK

  By Marilyn Schletzer Video from YouTube Spatchcock, spatchcock, spatchcock.  It’s fun to say, though it doesn’t roll easily off the tongue, and it might impress some folks if you’re looking for opportunities to do that.  By the way, if you haven’t encountered the word before and you’re beginning to think I had a little too much eggnog over the holidays, I assure you that I am of reasonably sound...

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How Big is TOO BIG? by Marilyn Schletzer

How Big is TOO BIG? by Marilyn Schletzer

By Marilyn Schletzer Here we are again, thigh-deep in a frenzy of shaping up after the holidays.  Are you finding it challenging?  If so, here’s a simple little tip that may come in handy the next time you’re eating out: NEVER EAT ANYTHING BIGGER THAN YOUR HEAD.  Honestly, have you noticed the portion sizes at some of our local restaurants?  Chances are, if you ordered from anything but the kiddies’ menu, you will have placed before...

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Holidays! Parties! HELP!!!

Holidays! Parties! HELP!!!

By Marilyn Schletzer Most of us put on a few pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Why is that a surprise?  There are more parties during this period than the other eleven months combined, and we’re all busy baking bizarre numbers of sweet treats in the name of tradition.  Once the dust settles and we stow our party manners for another year, those pounds will come off again, but if you’re starting to get anxious,...

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