Scaling Down

Scaling Down

You awaken to a beautiful morning. The sky is blue, the birds are singing, and all is right with the world. You stretch and rise from your bed, padding softly toward the bathroom, and suddenly you have that undeniably spooky feeling that you’re being watched. You look up and, sure enough, there it is lurking in the corner. It’s evil, sinister, and waiting for you — THE BATHROOM SCALE!! Run! Run while you still can! Save...

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Put Some Steps in Your Spring

Put Some Steps in Your Spring

Now that spring is in the air (apologies to those across the rest of the nation for whom this is only a lovely dream), it’s time to take advantage of the simplest, most accessible, and possibly most effective exercise on Earth — WALKING. Just think: You’ve known how to do it all your life, it doesn’t require any snazzy equipment, and you don’t have to go anywhere special to do it. Just hop into those sneakers and move! And...

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Tricks and Treats

Tricks and Treats

I’m not good at dieting, and I know that because I’ve done so much of it in my adult life, and done it dreadfully.  When I finally realized that diets just don’t work, my inner foodie soared and I ate like a starving castaway just rescued from the wilds.  I ate everything that couldn’t outrun me, and I gained weight.  What a shocker.  So if dieting doesn’t work and eating everything within arm’s...

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Time + Action = Change by Marilyn Schletzer

Time + Action = Change by Marilyn Schletzer

January 1, 2016 The newest Weight Watchers commercial features Oprah Winfrey (apparently now WW’s El Queso Grande) recounting the details of her decades-long battle of the bulge and finally posing the question, “If not now, when?”  Nike constantly urges us to “Just do it.”  Years ago, I read an Ann Landers advice column in which she encouraged an unhappy, uninspired young woman to seek the help of...

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What Was the Scariest Thing About Halloween?

What Was the Scariest Thing About Halloween?

  Well, I’m very glad you asked, and I will tell you. The scariest thing about my Halloween was PUMPKIN SPICE PEEPS. Dear God, is nothing sacred? Those horrifying little creatures with the demonic eyes are now officially everywhere all the time.  No holiday is safe.  And if there doesn’t happen to be a designated holiday on the calendar, the fine folks at Peeps HQ will force Jurassic Park Dinosaur Egg Peeps down our...

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