Sneak Peek: GPPA Announces Tribute to Wild At Heart’s Sam Fox

Sneak Peek: GPPA Announces Tribute to Wild At Heart’s Sam Fox

By Les Conklin   Tribute to “Sam” Fox Supports Continuation of Raptor Rescue, Rehabilitation Efforts Wild At Heart Co-Founder Died January 1st Greater Pinnacle Peak Association (GPPA) – Friends of the Scenic Drive is posting this page as a tribute to “Sam” Fox who died on January 1, 2021. Sam and her husband, Bob Fox, founded Wild At Heart in 1991. Since the mid-1990s, Wild At Heart and GPPA have...

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Book Review: “Lincoln on the Verge” by Ted Widmer

Book Review: “Lincoln on the Verge” by Ted Widmer

June 30, 2020 By Les Conklin Now is a good time to read this beautifully written book.  1/11/2021 “… nor only a historical achievement but a literary one.” – The Wall Street Journal Many Americans have heard or read about the funeral train that left Washington D.C. on April 21, 1865. The train carried the coffin of assassinated President Abraham Lincoln to Springfield, Illinois where he was buried. As the train...

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For The Love Of An Owl & Photo Tribute to Wild At Heart

For The Love Of An Owl & Photo Tribute to Wild At Heart

January 2, 2021 Sad News We have just learned that “Sam” Fox died yesterday, January 1, 2021. Sam and her husband, Bob, founded Wild At Heart, and have been supporters of this publication, Friends of the Scenic Drive and the Greater Pinnacle Peak Association for decades. Sam has suffered from health and mobility issues for many years. Sam’s health challenges never weakened her determination to care for injured and...

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Desert Les At Large: Did Superspreading Cause Thanksgiving?

Desert Les At Large: Did Superspreading Cause Thanksgiving?

November 2020 By Les Conklin   Yup. It’s good to see you again. Desert Les is back. Not because them Peak readers demanded it but because the fool editor told Desert Les to fill this here white space with interestin’ doings and seeings. Desert Les has been following orders and hunkerin’ down in the family bunkhouse.  That dang virus can’t find us here. Nope. , Desert Lea and Desert Judy were watching cable news. A...

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Sneak Peeks: Remembering Don Schoenau

Sneak Peeks: Remembering Don Schoenau

  Originally Published May 28, 2018 By Les Conklin Actually, I think about Don Shoenau during many days during the year. He often comes to mind when I look at Pinnacle Peak because of his friendship and importance to our area, the Greater Pinnacle Peak Association, A Peek at the Peak (The Peak) magazine and Scottsdale’s Scenic Drive. Don died on Sunday, August 20, 2000. I remember him on Memorial Day because of his...

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