Scenic Drive Roadside Cleanup Set for Saturday, October 27, 7:45 A.M.

Scenic Drive Roadside Cleanup Set for Saturday, October 27, 7:45 A.M.

  Help clear roadside litter from Happy Valley Road to Carefree Highway on North Scottsdale Road. New volunteers are welcome. Your support is essential. Help us get the 2018-2019 year off to a great start. The cleanup will end at 9:45 a.m. and volunteers are invited to a post cleanup raffle at the monument sign. This is a city-wide Keep Scottsdale Beautiful event, meaning that all Adopt-A-Road participants, including our...

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Local, County & State Governments Cooperated to Create Scenic Drive

Local, County & State Governments Cooperated to Create Scenic Drive

August 30, 2018 By Les Conklin (with a little help from my friends) Introduction “Hi Les, BJ pulled this up, and wonders if there is a way this historic document can help our cause. It shows the intent and support of the county re Scenic Drive. Best, Edie.” Let me explain. “BJ” and “Edie” are BJ and Edie Shannon, n. Scottsdale residents (pictured right). They were among the early volunteers to...

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To: Scottsdale City Council Candidates, THANK YOU!

To: Scottsdale City Council Candidates, THANK YOU!

October 12, 2018 By Les Conklin President, Greater Pinnacle Peak Association Informative Forum Held in Pinnacle Peak Area The Greater Pinnacle Peak Association (GPPA) – Friends of the Scenic Drive thanks candidates, attendeed and volunteers for supporting last night’s Scottsdale City Council Candidates Forum. The forum, which was attended by about 35 residents was held in the Desert Park Building  of the Florence Ely...

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The Invincible Up Escalator and Lone Mountain Storage

The Invincible Up Escalator and Lone Mountain Storage

September 14, 2018 Undeveloped Parcels, Front Lines of Fairness and Keeping Scenic Drive Scenic By Les Conklin Videos by Cindy Lee and Peter Cherry To many long-time residents, it seems as though Scottsdale Road is the Invincible Up Escalator, inexorably delivering taller, larger buildings and higher building densities from the south to an ever-shrinking desert setting in the north.  Are the presence of the Desert Foothills Scenic...

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It’s Been 15 Years Since Scheherazade Led the Way

It’s Been 15 Years Since Scheherazade Led the Way

September 2018 By Les Conklin The cover of the September 2003 issue of A Peek at the Peak (The Peak) featured Scheherazade, a female great horned owl, and her brood of foster owlets. Scheherazade was in tough shape when she was rescued.  She was saved and rehabilitated by Wild At Heart.  Unfortunately, due to her injuries she could no longer fly, which eliminated the possibility of releasing her back the wild. Bob and...

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