Seven Short Stories Featuring My Friend “Doc,” Story #2

Seven Short Stories Featuring My Friend “Doc,” Story #2

The Burial of Tiger Wells By Dave Wells Shortly after Nancy & Dave Wells moved to Arizona in 1992 with three dogs, namely Rudy, Brandy, and Tiger. Tiger, a 17 year old Yorkshire Terrier, was beginning to show his age, and the painful decision was made to put Tiger down. A few weeks before, Marge had very kindly suggested that when Tiger leaves us, Tiger could be buried in the Greasewood Flat Pet Cemetery. So, we called and Doc and...

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Seven Short Stories Featuring My Friend “Doc,” Story #1

Seven Short Stories Featuring My Friend “Doc,” Story #1

Dave Wells Meets Greasewood Flat, and Some Guy Named ‘Doc’ By Dave Wells Note from Editor. This is the first in a series of seven articles. To read other stories in the series, use the links at the bottom of this article. To mark the closing of Greasewood Flat, The Peak published this series of articles, one article at a time, during the first week of April.  Have a story about Greasewood or “Doc?” If so, send...

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