Artist Creates Flights of Fantacy in a Control Tower Studio

March 31, 2018

 Travelling Artist Gayle Lowe is GPPA member and frequent Scottsdale visitor.

Gayle Lowe

How many artists do you know that have a studio located at the top of a control tower at an airport?

Artist Gayle Lowe does!

Recently, Gayle, a member of the Greater Pinnacle Peak Association, (GPPA), sent The Peak two of her paintings. She wrote “I’m not sure any of my paintings are good enough to be published in GPPA’s magazine, but I am sending a few for your consideration.” We asked her to send more and a brief bio.

Lowe wrote, “I started painting a year and a half ago and am planning on attending some wonderful seminars in May with artist Stephen Koury in Lakeland, Florida and attending the Peninsular Art Institute in Wisconsin. I am attracted to bright colors and appreciate the ability to seek fantasy in colors along with some reality in detail. I have yet to find my own style but am enjoying the search.”

Lowe, who lives in Kentucky and Florida, has always had a passion for travel and has visited Scottsdale for work and pleasure on numerous occasions. She says that because she enjoys travelling so much, flying was a natural fit for her. She has been a commercial, instrument rated pilot since 1983 and is a frequent participant in the All Women’s Transcontinental Air Race Classic.

Gayle is a retired as Director (RN, MBA) from HCA Corporate Quality Department after 35 years. However, she continues to work as an active surveyor for Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) accrediting surgery centers, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Coast Guard and many other healthcare centers around the country. Given the fact that she loves to travel, fly and paint, having her studio in a control tower makes perfect sense. Especially, when the airport is owed by Gayle and her husband, David.

Incidentally, more than 30 percent of GPPA’s members are not permanent residents of Arizona. They appreciate the association’s community efforts and enjoy keeping up with local happenings, no matter where they are located  – even in a control tower art studio.   If you are a member of GPPA, let The Peak know about your special passion.  If you are not a member yet, this click is for you. 

Paintings by Gayle Lowe



Gayle Lowe’s art studio is at the top of the control tower shown in the background. The plane in the foreground was designed and built by her husband from the rivets up. It is a LATD 150. Lowe Aviation taildragger conversion,

Note. I asked Ms. Lowe if her paintings had captions. Her reply, “No, not at this point.”

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Author: The Peak

The Peak was originally printed and distributed in 1983 by the Greater Pinnacle Peak Association (GPPA) as a six-page neighborhood newsletter for the hundred or so residents who lived in the Pinnacle Peak area of Scottsdale, Arizona. Today, GPPA publishes an expanded online version for tens of thousands of readers as a free community service serving Scottsdale and neighborhing communities.

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1 Comment

  1. I would like to thank the editor for the time and effort to accurately present my story and art to your readers. I love the Scottsdale , Carefee and Phoenix area and only hope I will someday be able to paint well enough to do justice on canvas to the beautiful landscapes , people and wildlife through my paintings.

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