Arizona Wild Beauty: Meet the Family

By Laurel Strohmeyer

.This wild band of horses currently has eight family members. 

The stallion is named Blaze. His two mature/breeding mares are Ellie and Dakota.  Ellie is the mother to Cochise, a 9-month-old male, and Breeze a 2-year-old filly.  (Ellie lost her foal of 2015 , Jessie, to predation. Her foal of 2012, Ginger, disappeared at the age of 2 and has not been seen since.)  Dakota is the mother to a 6-month-old male, Patch, and a 2-year-old filly, Stormy.   Dakota also lost her 2015 foal, Annie, who drowned in the river.  Tina is a 2wo-year- old filly that joined Blaze’s family in the summer of 2015. Pictured below:

  • Blaze, stallion, protector of the family
  • Breeze
  • Cochise
  • Ellie, mare, mother of Ginger, Breeze, Jessie, and Cochise
  • Dakota, mare, mother of Stormy, Annie, Patch
  • Patch at two-months, son of Dakota
  • Stormy

Author: Laurel Strohmeyer

Born and raised on the east coast, Laurel now enjoys life in Scottsdale, AZ with her husband Jim and Rhodesian Ridgeback Jengo. As an artist with an insatiable curiosity for wildlife and a love of nature, Laurel enjoys both landscape and wildlife photography. She considers herself a wildlife biographer. “Whether I’m shooting a band of horses, a family of owls, or a breathtaking sunrise, it’s the “Feeling of a complete union with nature, where for a moment, nothing else exists ” that I hope to bring to others with my work.” Laurel’s work can be seen at

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