A Year of Walking

By Marilyn Schletzer

Marilyn Schletzer

Marilyn Schletzer

What’s the one exercise that your body was designed for, that you were doing naturally by the time you were a year old, and that you can do even in your sleep?  Walking!  It may just be life’s most perfect physical activity.  You can do it anywhere, it doesn’t require fancy equipment, and you’ll probably be able to do it for many years to come, not to mention the fact that it burns calories, helps lower cholesterol, strengthens your heart muscle, and protects your bones from osteoporosis.  So if you’ve always had a reason for not getting to the gym (“It’s too far away,” “It’s too expensive,” or “I’m too busy to exercise,”), you’ve just run out of excuses, my friend.  Hop into your sneakers, and let’s get going.

If you’ve been fairly idle, you may not be able to walk very far at first.  Not to worry.  Every day, try to walk ten more steps or 30 more seconds or whatever you can manage and you’ll have a mile under your belt in no time.  Make it your business to walk six days a week.  One day off a week is reasonable, but beyond that, commit to making movement a part of your daily life.

Now let’s make things interesting, shall we?  Get yourself a little notebook so you can chart your daily progress, and keep track of how many miles you walk each week.  Think how far you will have walked by the end of the year.  In fact, why not get out your handy-dandy atlas right now and pick a place you’d like to visit next Christmas. How many miles away is it?  Assuming it doesn’t involve crossing large bodies of water, there’s your exercise goal for the year.

If you’re a social type, invite a neighbor or friend to join you each morning or evening.  You can visit while you’re burning extra calories.  Just be sure to keep up your enthusiastic pace — no strolling!  So if you’re in good health and not currently suffering from any injuries, get out there and walk on!

Author: Marilyn Burnett

Marilyn Schletzer owns FLYING MONKEYS FITNESS TO GO, which offers in-home personal training for individuals and groups. Contact her at marizona2@cox.net, (480) 216-5367, or www.eatstreetusa.blogspot.com.

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