2017 – The Year of the Birds by Tom Mangelsdorf

December29, 2017

By Tom Mangelsdorf

The close of an old year and the beginning of a new one is a good time to take stock of things accomplished and things to look forward to accomplishing. With regard to my bird photography, I’ve chosen five of my favorite bird images that I’ve captured in 2017. They run the gamut from a tiny songbird to a large raptor.

All of these were taken in my back yard or within a mile or two of my house. This close proximity shows the diversity of birds that make their homes in the greater Pinnacle Peak area. Like us, the birds know a good neighborhood when they see it.

I’ve very much enjoyed sharing my photographs over the past year here on the “A Peek at the Peak” magazine. I’d like to thank The Peak for its support and for always finding space for me to display my work. And, finally I’d like to thank all you readers for viewing and commenting on my photographs. I look forward to another year of sharing my love of birds with all of you.

You may view more of my bird photographs at  http://www.TomMangelsdorf.com.

Lesser Goldfinch

Gambel’s Quail

Coopers Hawk

Cactus Wren


Related Articles & Websites

Peak Contributor’s Photo Selected for 2018 Calendar  Article

TomMangelsdorf.com Website

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Author: Tom Mangelsdorf

Tom Mangelsdorf is a long-time resident of north Scottsdale. Tom is a frequent contributor to A Peek at the Peak. Tom is usually among the winners of The Peak's annual Summer Fun Photography Contest.

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