Congratulations to the winners of The Peak‘s 11th annual “What’s Worth Preserving” photography contest and thank you to all the entrants for supporting the contest. There was a record number of entries this year, a total of 86 photographs. You can see all the entries, enjoy a casual dinner, and cast your vote for the coveted Diners’ Choice Award at The Peak’s Summer Fun on Display event at the Summit Diner in north Scottsdale on Saturday, September 6, 6 p.m. You will find more information in the community events section of this issue.

Winner, Landmark Category, 2014 Summer Fun Tony Nelssen Photo Contest, “Looking up at Frank Lloyd Wright Spire” by Jim Sciacero

Winner, Landscape Category, 2014 Summer Fun Tony Nelssen Photo Contest, “Hedgehog Cactus” by Tom Mangelsdorf

Winner, Wildlife Category, 2014 Summer Fun Tony Nelssen Photo Contest, “Proud Mom with her Babies” by Bruce Fasbinder

Winner, Local People Category, 2014 Summer Fun Tony Nelssen Photo Contest, “Ferraris in the Garden” by Sherri Knutson

Special Recognition, 2014 Summer Fun Tony Nelssen Photo Contest, ‘Birth of a Queen” by Margit Kagerer
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