ENJOY THE HEAT! 12th Annual Summer Fun Contests Underway

Photograph of Arizona Sunset

Grand Prize Winner, 2014 Summer Fun Tony Nelssen Photo Contest, “A Special Evening” by Howard Myers

Get Published, Prizes, and Recognition

Every summer temperatures will increase. You can count on it. You can also count on more fun with The Peak‘s Summer Fun contests.

Once again, it’s time for ever-popular Tony Nelssen Photography and the Write Stuff contests. The contests are free and easy to enter. The deadline for entering is midnight, Sunday, August 16, 2015. Once again, prizes are being awarded based on categories. For each contest, judges will select one winner for each category and a grand prize for the best overall contest entry.

The Summit of Summer Fun

Join The Peak, Wild At Heart, fellow entrants, friends, and neighbors at The Summit Diner for an informal, relaxed meal and program. Read “You’re Invited to The Peak’s Summit of Summer Fun, Sat., Sept. 5, 6 PM” for information. Don’t miss this fun and informative evening!

Photograph Contest Categories

The categories for this year’s contest are:

  • LANDSCAPES: The best image of a local landscape, flora, and other natural scenery.
  • WILDLIFE: The best image of local wildlife, including birds, mammals, reptiles, etc.
  • SCENIC DRIVE: The best image of Scottsdale’s Desert Foothills Scenic Drive, including roadside plant exhibits, monuments, exhibit area, view from Scenic Drive, etc.
  • LOCAL PEOPLE: The best image of scenes of local people engaged in local traditions and everyday lifestyles.
  • GRAND PRIZE: The best overall photo.

Entrants can submit a maximum of two images per category. The photograph must have been taken by the entrant in the last three years and cannot have been previously published in The Peak. Winning photographs will be published in the September issue of this magazine.

Write Stuff Categories

The categories for the Summer Fun Write Stuff Contest are:

  • WHAT’S WORTH PRESERVING ARTICLE OR POEM: The best article or poem about what’s worth preserving in our community. It might be a way of life, the desert, a saguaro, a rattlesnake, a nonprofit organization, or local history; the possibilities are endless.
  • SEEING AND DOING ARTICLE OR POEM. The best article or poem about something that a member of our community has seen or done. It might be an story about a vacation, a good deed done, etc.
  • TALL STORY: The best piece of “verbal exaggeration or boastfulness which may be intended to deceive or may be openly bogus and merely intended to amuse.”
  • GRAND PRIZE: The best overall article, poem, or story.

All articles, poems, and stories should be about local flora, fauna, places, people, or our community. Entrants can submit a maximum of two entries per category. The piece must have been written by the entrant in the last three years, cannot exceed 700 words in length, and cannot have been previously published in The Peak.

Prizes and Recognition Galore!

All winners’ entries will be published in The Peak. In addition, winners will be recognized in GPPA’s The Peak Newsletter, Facebook, and Twitter. ALL qualified photography contest entries will be showcased at the Summer Fun on Display event in September. We’re still gathering prizes, which include gift cards, gift certificates, and tickets to local attractions. An initial list will be published in this magazine in the near future.

Entering the Contests

There is no entry fee. Entrants must submit an entry form along with their entries by midnight, Sunday, August 23, 2015.


Tony Nelssen Photo Contest Rules (PDF)


Write Stuff Contest Rules (PDF)

 Entry Forms

Tony Nelssen Photo Contest Entry Form (PDF) 


Write Stuff Contest Entry Form (PDF)


Author: Les Conklin

Les Conklin is a resident of north Scottsdale He founded Friends of the Scenic Drive, the Monte de Paz HOA and is the president of the Greater Pinnacle Peak Association. He was named to Scottsdale's History Maker Hall of Fame in 2014. Les is a past editor of A Peek at the Peak and the author of Images of America: Pinnacle Peak. He served on the Scottsdale's Pride Commission, McDowell Sonoran Preserve Commission, the boards of several local nonprofits and was a founding organizer of the city's Adopt-A-Road Program.. Les is a volunteer guide at the Musical Instrument Museum.

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