Videos & Webcam: Nesting Great Horned Owls – Updated 4-14-17

April 14, 2017 –  Latest Update  from Laurel Strohmeyer

The nestlings are two weeks old today!  Hope you enjoy this little video.

Video: Update on Peaky & Piper, 4-14-17


March 30, 2017 –  Original  video and webcam

By Laurel Srohmeyer

Here is the first 10-minute installment of the Great Horned Owl’s nesting in our yard, as they journey through their courtship together.  They are beautiful, loyal and fearless predators.

Peaky Blinder & Piper Courtship Video

Watch Live Webcam

Peaky Blinder & Piper Nesting Site Webcams

Editor’s note. The incubation period for great horned owl eggs is roughly 30-37 days. If all goes well, the eggs should have sometime around the 1st of May.  

Did You Know?

Owls have virtually no nest building skills.  Rather, they rely on the other raptors such as hawks to build a nest.  The season after the hawks finish with the nest, they go off to build a new one while the Great Horned Owls move in.  Owls add no additional nesting material since they really do not possess the skill set. They simply get in and use the nest as it is.  They may rearrange what is in the existing nest, but that’s about all they have to work with.  

Cornell University has a great resource which you might find interesting and here is the link




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Laurel Strohmeyer’s Photo Website,   Visit Website


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Author: Laurel Strohmeyer

Born and raised on the east coast, Laurel now enjoys life in Scottsdale, AZ with her husband Jim and Rhodesian Ridgeback Jengo. As an artist with an insatiable curiosity for wildlife and a love of nature, Laurel enjoys both landscape and wildlife photography. She considers herself a wildlife biographer. “Whether I’m shooting a band of horses, a family of owls, or a breathtaking sunrise, it’s the “Feeling of a complete union with nature, where for a moment, nothing else exists ” that I hope to bring to others with my work.” Laurel’s work can be seen at

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1 Comment

  1. This is absolutely stunning, to see such intimate details and read your recounting of this pair’s activities. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this. We have lived out here for 30 years and hear these owls all night almost every night – screech owls too. Often wonder what they do at night, now you’ve shown me. I can’t wait until to see more on the live cam now… 🙂 Thanks again.

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