“Divine Desert Drive” by Chad Weaver, Carefree – Winner Scenic Drive Category, 2015 Summer Fun Photo Contest
July 31, 2022
This year is different! Political signs are winning the battle! The primary election will be held in a few days and we hope that those candidates who do not win will take down their signs promptly.
Candidates, you have read this plea before. You acted and the environment, community and our unique heritage have benefitted. For information about Scottsdale’s Scenic Drive campaign sign policies and the upcoming election, visit https://www.scottsdaleaz.gov/elections
July 1, 2020
By Les Conklin
President, GPPA-Friends of the Scenic Drive
Photographs of campaign signs by Cindy Lee
Vice President, GPPA-Friends of the Scenic Drive.
Candidates Ignore Ban, Ordinance as Political Signs Trash Scenic Drive
Candidates for local, state, and federal offices are ignoring our plea and Scottsdale’s regulations for placement of campaign signs. The good news is that there are many signs that follow the guidelines that residents have fought so hard for. Thank you for caring.
The candidates below each have multiple campaign signs which are not legally placed and are immediately adjacent to the Scenic Drive. This is list of the “spoiler” signs that I noted during a two-pass drive on the Scenic Drive. There are more! What I found surprising was that offending campaign signs were almost all posted by candidates of the same party, I believe the City of Scottsdale staff provides the same information to all campaigns.
Ernest Anderson, State Representative, Josh Barnett, House of Representatives, Joseph Chaplik, State Representative, Andrew Gould, Tom Horne, AZ Superintendent of Public Instruction, Arizona Attorney General, John Kavanaugh U.S House of Representatives, Kari Lake, Arizona Governor, Doug Little, County Supervisor, Blake Masters, U.S. Senate, Darin Mitchell, State Representative, Elijah Norton, U.S. House of Representative., Tim Stratton, Scottsdale City Council, David Schweikert, U.S. House of Representatives, Karrin Taylor Robson, Governor of Arizona, Paola Tullina-Zen, Governor of Arizona, Raoul Zubia, Scottsdale City Council.
To: Candidates for political office,
Thank you for your community service. Thank you for investing your time and resources and running for political office.
Once again, Friends of the Scenic Drive is asking all candidates for political office to refrain from posting campaigns signs on the Desert Foothills Scenic Drive. The Desert Foothills Scenic Drive is the northern-most section of North Scottsdale Road from Happy Valley Road north to Carefree Highway, a distance of 6 1/2 miles. Area residents are well-aware of the ban. Participating in the ban is a simple way for candidates to show their respect for our preservation efforts, local history, visitors and the desert.
The Scenic Drive was established 55 years ago to preserve roadside vegetation and vistas. In the mid-1990, Friends of the Scenic Drive, with the support of the Scottsdale City Council, encouraged the voluntary ban. Election-after-election, the ban has held as candidates have supported the initiative.
Political signs can legally be posted in public rights-of-way. City of Scottsdale staff makes information about sign restrictions available to political candidates. Friends asks that signs on intersection roads be place well-back from Scottsdale Road. The goal is to showcase the Scenic Drive. Particularly candidates running for Scottsdale Mayor or City Council should honor the longstanding tradition of respecting NO POLITICAL SIGNS within the Desert Foothills Scenic Drive.

1. “Entering Scenic Drive” monument just south of Happy Valley Rd on Scottsdale Rd.

2. Auerbach Lawrence campaign signs at NE corner of Happy Valley Rd on Scottsdale Rd.

3. Scottsdale Adopt-A-Road FOTSD sign just north of Auerbach Lawrence signs placement.

5. Borowsky Auerbach Caputi signs at Happy Valley Rd, with Scottsdale Adopt-A-Road sign visible.

6. Auerbach sign at Jomax Rd with Scottsdale Adopt-A-Road sign visible.

7. Borowsky sign on Scottsdale Rd at Jomax Rd.
Election Information
The City of Scottsdale’s primary election is August 4, 2020. There are nine council candidates and five candidates for mayor. The general election will be held on November 3, 2020. For more information about the election and candidates visit scottsdale.gov/elections.
City of Scottsdale Election InformationFriends of the Scenic Drive is a corps of volunteers within the Greater Pinnacle Peak Association (GPPA). In addition to supporting the Desert Foothills Scenic Drive, GPPA publishes A Peek at the Peak magazine (The Peak) as a complimentary community service.
GPPA is a 501 c (3) nonprofit and cannot back specific political candidates and we do not accept political contributions.. However, during the upcoming campaign we will be supporting the election process in several ways.
#1. Publishing articles about local election issues
#2. Publishing selected electronic newsletters that provide information about election issues or status.
#3. Publishing the names of candidates who are not supporting the voluntary campaign sign ban.
Related Articles & Websites
Scenic Drive Information Directory Article
55 Years Down the Road Article
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