Pinnacle Peak Park Regular Hike Update – Nov. 16, 2018

"Sunrise at Pinnacle Peak Park" by Jim Sciacero

“Sunrise at Pinnacle Peak Park” by Jim Sciacero

Good Morning Hikers!

Happy Fall to Everyone!


Get ready to read! I have packed a lot of information into this update!

The park hours are now at opening 6:45a and closing at 5:30p. We will be changing to our 7:00a opening on December 1st and will remain at that time until February 15th. Closing will change back to 5:45p on January 1st. The darkness has arrived!

Pinnacle Peak Park and trail will be closed on December 25th. The park will re-open at 7:00a on December 26th. But, you can still get out into nature and enjoy! All of the trails in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve will be open and available for hiking that day!

Next week is the park’s busiest week of the year! Last year for the Thanksgiving Holiday we had over 7,000 visitors! If you are not hip on the ant farm trail effect, I suggest driving just 3 miles north to Brown’s Ranch or 5 miles east to Tom’s Thumb. They too will be busy, but with 30,000 acres of preserve land and 220 miles of trails, it doesn’t feel quite as pinch out on the trails! We have maps in the office, or you can download them by going to and searching “Preserve”.

We have started our annual food drive at the park to benefit the City of Scottsdale’s Vista Del Camino Food Bank. . Last year alone, Vista served 3,607 individuals through their food bank! Critical items that are needed are: Peanut butter, Cereal, Boxed prepared meals (Macaroni and Cheese, Hamburger Helper), Canned meat (tuna, chicken), Beans and Canned Fruit and Vegetables. Various toiletries are also accepted and needed. These consist of: Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Deodorant, Shampoo and Dental Hygiene Products

The hunting season in the preserve will begin on December 14th. Archery Hunting only is allowed in the preserve. The hunting season dates are – Javelina and Deer – December 14, 2018 through January 31, 2019 and Mountain Lion – August 24, 2018 through May 31, 2019. I have attached a Hunting Fact Sheet. I have also included another information sheet pertaining to calling the police if you see inappropriate behavior with hunters. This information sheet was created for those neighbors living in the neighborhoods adjacent to Tom’s Thumb but may also be helpful for others living near the preserve.

Our work team recently met with the Foothills District Police Department to discuss any issues that we may be having, or crime trends that may be occurring in our preserve or park. We will be doing this on a bi-annual basis. There have not been a lot, but there have been some break-ins occurring at some of the parks and at the trailheads. Please remember to leave valuables at home! If that is not possible, then hide them in your vehicle prior to arriving to your hiking destination. Their new campaign is that, “If it is visible, then consider it gone!”

Additionally, the police are encouraging that if you “see something, say something”! They ask that you call the non-emergency number at 480-312-5000. (PLEASE put this number into your phone right now!). Our police officers are here for us, to keep our community the great place that it is to live in and visit! They need our help in doing so!

There are still a few spaces left for the 9:30a and 10a Jingle Hike to Santa on December 1st. If you would like to participate, pre-registration is required. There is a $10 fee for Scottsdale residents, and $15 for non-residents. This fee is for all Family members who attend, not per-person. You can register by using your City ActiveNet account, or you can create one by going to

I recently participated in an 10 week program and learned all sorts of amazing information about how our city works and operates! I love Scottsdale! I thought that I would share with you this Scottsdale Demographic’s information. It is very interesting stuff! You will see that the total population of Scottsdale is approximately 250, 000. Guess what? That is about how many visitors that we host at Pinnacle Peak Park each year also! Wow!

Thank you for caring for our park, and being a part of our community! Have a great day!

Yvonne R. Massman
Natural Resources Coordinator

Pinnacle Peak Park

McDowell Sonoran Preserve Central Area
Direct line) 480-312-7901
Office main line) 480-312-0990
To learn more about the Pinnacle Peak Park and the McDowell Sonoran Preserve,

log onto: use the search box


Author: The Peak

The Peak was originally printed and distributed in 1983 by the Greater Pinnacle Peak Association (GPPA) as a six-page neighborhood newsletter for the hundred or so residents who lived in the Pinnacle Peak area of Scottsdale, Arizona. Today, GPPA publishes an expanded online version for tens of thousands of readers as a free community service serving Scottsdale and neighborhing communities.

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